Reflection Lake Community Association Board of Directors Meeting
March 1, 2022
Present: Charlie Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett, Bill Pease, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Joe Dickinson, Robert Syverson
- Call to order at 6:00—recorded by audio
- Minutes of previous month are approved—Gary Long moves to approve, and Robert Syverson seconds—minutes are unanimously approved
- Reports of Officers
- Vice-President: Joe Kokinda—bylaws are about 15 years behind the RCW’s so he will be comparing those and to see where we need to adjust—again bylaws are on hold until lawsuits are finalized
- Treasurer: Jim Boothby—see addendum
- Secretary: Sandi Bennett—get to know your neighbors and make sure they are ok and don’t need help in this awful weather.
- Reports of Standing Committees
- CMD—Dan—same as last month as there was no meeting
- Discussion on reefs—still have calls into Fish and Game
- Have to keep the outflows clean
- Robert Syverson motions that we take down (funds will be available in late April) the northwest corner locust/elm? tree down and hauled off at a cost of $400(Rick Hayes), Jeff Toffer seconds, may be refunded by Firewise. Unanimously approved.
- Looking into purchasing a handicap porta potty to be permanent at the community center—Dan will look into that for costs.
- Fish—Jeff will work on the fish costs and how much we can get in our budget—table until April
- Community relations—Sandi/Diana
- Road clean-up day in April—weather depending
- Clean up day May 7th
- Garage Sale June—volunteers for set up, take down, and bake sale
- Please try to sort your donations as much as possible
- 60-year anniversary—any ideas? Band? Location—Bishop’s, Bald Eagle, Angie and Kent?—add on to the Reflection Lake book (combined with the annual meeting)
- Tool sale for road funds at yard sale
- Volunteers to pull weeds at beaches
- Any other ideas for activities—movies at the beach, bingo? Just let any social committee member know
- Newsletter coming out hopefully this month
- Roads—Casey/Robert—focusing on getting holes filled
- Firewise—see addendum
- CMD—Dan—same as last month as there was no meeting
- Unfinished Business
- Jim Boothby: All dues are to be paid by June 1, 2022. Delinquent accounts can be sent to collection or liens filed—please make an effort to make a payment arrangement if you are delinquent. Statements will be sent out from Franklin accounting on April 18th.
- Legal Update: Charlie Bennett—see addendum
- New Business
- Election Committee: Lucinda—form an election ad hoc (not run by the board) committee to recruit the three board members that are up for election
- In the history of the lake over 150 people have volunteered to serve on boards
- Air Bnb: Dan Heath—guest pass
- Dan is suggesting a $10 per person guest pass for his tenants—could be $3000-$5000 a year, he says– The board feels this would open the lake up to a whole new insurance issue and liability issues and it is not addressed in the bylaws. Dan also suggested it could be a donation toward specific association needs— while we are happy to accept donations, bylaws need to be followed—ie. The guest pass is for a guest and their immediate family only and must follow all rules of the lake.
- Dan thought the guest pass had to be his immediate family, not his tenant—this may rectify the issue.
- He will make sure that his tenants are aware of the guest pass, lake rules, the speed limits, etc.
- Penalty committees for non-compliance was something that was used in the past says Jim Boothby. Currently it would probably be the board but will put a committee together if necessary
- Air bnb definitely need to be addressed in the future bylaws committee but for the time being the lake rules need to be enforced
- Jerry Parker suggests writing up a policy book for specific policies to help clarify the bylaws—ie. vacation rentals, election, etc
- Election Committee: Lucinda—form an election ad hoc (not run by the board) committee to recruit the three board members that are up for election
- Open Forum—pick up after your dogs!!
- Adjournment—Sandi Bennett moves to adjourn and Jeff Kokinda seconds. Meeting adjourns at 7:37.