Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – November 6, 2018
Board members present: President Glen Mumm, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Gary Long-Security, Social Committee Richard Miller, Jeff Toffer, Charlie Bennett.
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm in the RLCA Community Room.
Reading and approval of the October minutes: Motion to approve and seconded.
President-Glen Mumm: Nothing to report
Vice President-Dan Loos: Absent
Secretary Report-Vonnie Hutchison: I am going to post the board minutes to the website. Discussed by Board and I will be posting October’s minutes..
Treasurer Report–Jim Boothby: Jim’s reports are included in minutes. Collection letters went out and two members have since paid. Two liens were filed. Looking for a new treasurer. Someone can fill in the last year of Debby’s position or Jim would do it if we can’t find anyone. Motion for Jim to takeover Debby’s term as treasurer. Richard seconds. Motion passes.
Road maintenance budget is spent. Might have to cut back on some other projects to stay within the budget. Jeff motions to accept treasurers report and Gary seconds.
Savings from 3 completed projects applied to overrun of roads budget. $10,620 spent
Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD):
Trail work started on the nature trail. Need to burn the brush at the fish hatchery. Will be posted on facebook.
Firewise Community would allow several benefits to our association. Could have a speaker at the February meeting @ the VFW hall. Will also invite Elk community. Should send a letter to let those who are currently out of compliance so they’ll be aware that there is help available. To qualify it only takes anyone who signs up to donate one hour a year. We will be educating our community on fire responsibilities.
Our Water Association has first water rights so no one else can affect our water capacity or quality. The State is getting more involved and at some point in time everyone will need backflow devices on their wells.
Jim wants to know if the water association is looking at future growth. There are currently 7 lots available to build on. Waterlines are sufficiently sized according to the State. Producing 500gpm currently. We need to meet with the Water Board now before board members change. Maybe do a quarterly meeting with them.
Dams – Gary says state required report is ready to go to State so he’ll submit.
Security-Gary Long – Great having the new golf cart. Being stored at Charlie and Sandi Bennetts for the winter. Getting new signs.
Glen wants to thank everyone who helped with new shed. Should put some foam rope along the roof and seal it from the bees. Pipe insulation works. Shed is already being used for storage.
Budget Committee-Jim Boothby: New budget starts in March
Roads Committee-Glen Mumm: Had first roads meeting a month ago right before the approaches were repaired. Next meeting in February/March. Water Assoc says there’s a waterline in the south Sheets culvert. Other utilities are near there. That culvert will need to be hand dug. Fixing Sheets properly would probably cost Sheets homeowners about $800/lot.
Social Committee-Richard Miller: Welcome packets are ready. Sympathy card given to Emerys. They were from Priest Lake. Thanked Jim for pointing out burn piles. Water Board really wants to work with the community. They’ve really increased the waterflow.
Culverts cleaned by Glen. No one else helped. The next clean out will definitely need additional people to help.
First annual Chili Cookoff – Bison harbenaro –Sandi Bennett wins, Gary takes 2nd. Cornbread bakers also awarded.
CC&R – out after the first of the year.
OLD BUSINESS: Glen -Leased lots. Not a lot happening yet. Would like a 5 person panel to handle any lawsuits. Jim will be the chairman. Jim, Gary, Jeff, Dan and Glen will make up the panel. We haven’t received anything yet but a notice did show up for one day in
the newspaper.
No Board meeting in Dec and Jan. Meetings will be in the VFW Feb and March. Still need a board member, plus Jim wants to retire from the board.
NEW BUSINESS: Dan needs to call and have the porta potty at the Community Center removed for the winter.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: Do not plant lawns up to the lake.
Motion to adjourn by Jeff, seconded by Charlie.
Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary