February 2017 Newsletter

Greetings! After a busy winter of snowplowing and shoveling, Spring is just around the corner. It’s time to get our great community ready for all the wonderful activities we enjoy in the warmer months. This year we have a few infrastructure projects planned from road & building repairs to a major repair of the valve on the South dam. We also have a fish delivery scheduled and more carp will be planted to keep the algae in check. We will be doing some clean-up of the greenbelt and all the lake access lots. More than ever, we need volunteers to help complete these projects. Feel free to contact me by phone, text or email if you would like to join one of our committees, or just attend our monthly board meetings and we will get you connected with the chairperson of the committee you are interested in.

Lake Security Help Wanted: We  are putting together a team to patrol the area in order to ensure lake use is by members and their guests only. Patrols will run from April thru August and will have use of a boat and a golf cart to allow for a quicker response time. Our team will not be law enforcement but will serve to enforce safety, monitor and report to the board of directors any violations of the Covenants and By-Laws. Disputes among individuals and ordinance violations will still be handled by Spokane County.  Our patrols will be on a monthly rotation and volunteers are paid a stipend. To be selected for Lake Patrol you must be over 18 and a member or family member of RLCA. Why volunteer? Over the years both men and women have enjoyed this duty. You get to meet other members, learn about the greenbelt, spend time on the water and expand your social contacts!

Upcoming Events

March 7 – Monthly RLCA Board Meeting, everyone welcome! Come meet your board and learn about all we have planned. 6:00pm at the Elk VFW. Please mail your budget ballot or bring it to this mtg.

April – Be on the lookout for the opening of fishing season in early April, signs will be posted.

May 6 – Work Party at the RLCA community center. We will be repairing gutters and cleaning the grounds.

July – Annual Meeting and Potluck BBQ. We will vote for the ’17-’18 budget & elect 3 new board members then enjoy our favorite potluck dishes.