Hello, neighbors!
Winter will be coming soon and in preparation for the unknown, we need to take care of some housekeeping tasks. If you have a bench, freestanding basketball hoop, RV, boat or anything else on the road, you need to remove them or they may become part of the scenery for an extended period of time, or for an Elk ice age. Our neighbor, Rick Hayes, will be helping us out (literally) again this year with snowplowing and sanding our private roads. They will begin plowing in early morning when we’ve had an overnight snowfall of 2 or more inches and then again in the afternoon following 2 inches or more of snowfall to accommodate residents coming home from work. Please remove garbage cans from the roadside asap on Mondays following garbage pickup and we need to have all vehicles removed from the roadways during snowfalls. Thank you for your cooperation.
Are you using your noodle? The idea of using swim noodles to scare the water fowl away and/or keep the fowl poo off our shorelines is (sadly) running its course. It was a great idea at the time, in fact it was MY idea, but those swim noodles are deteriorating and causing a problem when they break from their original owners’ shoreline and float away to a neighbor’s shoreline. If you are a fellow noodler, please pull your noodles out of the lake for the winter months. If you have misplaced any noodles, your neighbor may have found them. We need to be considerate and pick up our float-aways.
How can I say this… We would have much less bird poop in our lake if people would stop feeding the ducks and geese! By feeding them, you make them lazy and instead of searching for food and potentially heading for more plentiful gardens, they will stay here and get fat on your treats. Last winter, we all were saddened as two white geese froze (and died) in the lake, so you are not doing them a favor by keeping them here.
Are you aware that RV Living is only fun in the summer months? Well, here at Reflection Lake, we are pretty sure of it, so sure, that we have written it into our By-Laws… no RV living is allowed except from April thru September. Please review the Covenants by clicking on “Legal Documents” on the home page of our website.
The Board of Directors is going to continue meeting every first Tuesday of the month at 6pm at our community center, even through the winter months, but if our center gets snowed in we will post an alternative location, like the Elk VFW, so keep an eye out for location changes as the snow moves in. All community members are welcome at our Board meetings.