From our VP, Glen Mumm – Spring Clean up: It’s time to get the access lots in shape for the season with our annual Spring clean up day on Saturday April 8th. We will meet at Bishop Park at 9am, weather permitting. Bring gloves, a rake, pruning shears, trash bags and any other tools for yard clean up. We will have a small BBQ after, so bring your favorite beverage and I will provide hamburgers and condiments.
Also from Glen Mumm – Roads & Maintenance: I am now the chairman of the Roads Committee. I haven’t scheduled a meeting yet as I’m waiting to hear back from a few contractors as to what our options are and what costs we will be facing to complete the long overdue repairs to Sheets Road. I’ve heard many people express their concern for getting this done so now here is your chance to make it happen. If you’d like to be a member of this committee, please contact me. There are numerous other projects around the lake that we need to tackle such as dock repair, access lot gates and community center repair. If you have carpentry or painting skills or would just like to be involved, please contact me.
Fishing News: Typically we try to have our season open the same time as the fishing season for the State but we have yet to get our Spring fish plant in and this is dependent on the county lifting road restrictions so we can get our fish. I will announce a date as soon as we hear from our fish supplier.
Lake Patrol: Fishing will start soon and our effort will be on preventing fish poachers and non-association persons from using and abusing the lake. Until the lake patrol knows who you are, please carry your lake pass or remember your Block and Lot Number. The Patrol has a book that will identify you and your family as Reflection Lake members. Lake Patrol personnel are not law enforcement, we are here to protect the assets you pay for with your annual dues. A pass used by a guest must be current and limited to five people. More than five guests require the lot owner to be present. If you see poachers please call Jim Boothby. Lot owners are responsible for educating their guests on the rules such as garbage carry-out and noise curfew.
Upcoming Events:
April 4: Monthly RLCA Board Meeting starts at 6pm at our community center, 37708 N Sheets Rd. Everyone welcome!
April 8: Spring Clean-up day, meet at Bishop Park at 9am.
May 6: Work Party at the RLCA community center. We will be repairing gutters and cleaning the grounds. Starts at 9am.
July: Annual Meeting and Potluck BBQ. We will vote for the ’17-’18 budget & elect 3 new board members then enjoy our favorite potluck dishes.
Got special skills or great ideas to share? We would love to hear from you! Send an email to [email protected]