New Year’s Newsletter from our RLCA President, Glen Mumm

Hello, this is our first newsletter of the year and on behalf of your Board of Directors, I want to take a moment to express appreciation for all who took time out of their busy lives to help make our community a better place, and this winter was no exception. Every ten years or so, we take on the task of revising of our By-Laws and Covenants, and a group of 8-10 members worked on this through the winter. We now have a final draft that will be presented to the Board of Directors and then will go to an Attorney for review. Once the approved draft has been reviewed, we will mail it out to all members for a vote. This is a painstaking process and we are very thankful for the volunteers who came forward to take on this task.  

Thank you to those who volunteered to be a committee chairman or to serve on a committee. Thank you to our heavy lifters and weed pullers who we can always depend on to help during our work parties. The more volunteers we have, the less money we spend on hiring someone to do the job. Without your help and support we could not afford to maintain and improve all of the things that make Reflection Lake such a beautiful and unique place to live.

Last year, we installed a new foundation and repaired the sunshade at Bald Eagle beach. We also replaced the gate valve in the south dam. In addition to the routine work that goes into maintaining the four access lots (like dock repair & spring clean up), we also installed new gutters and downspouts on our Community Center building. Along with this, we have a new group of residents who have stepped up to take on Lake Security. This will ensure that the fish we stock will only be enjoyed by the residents of Reflection lake and their guests.

We are excited to have rolled out this website. This is where you will go to get up-to-date information on the various committees along with contact information so that you can get involved. You will also find the latest version of the Covenants & Bylaws, a snowplowing schedule, fishing rules and dates, and a list of the Board of Directors and their duties. This is only the beginning, we can expand on this as much as the community needs and welcome your input.

Thank you to the Board of Directors for faithfully and voluntarily taking on all of the challenges our community faces. Our Board meets monthly and attending the meetings (even if you are not a board member) is a great way to get connected. Feel free to attend the next Board Meeting at our community center on March 6th at 6pm. The RLCA Board of Directors is highly motivated and committed to improving our community and we have some exciting projects just waiting for the winter to turn to spring, so stay tuned and thank you all for your support.

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