Hello and welcome to our website. We have made a few changes to the website and will be updating it regularly so take some time to look around and set us as one of your favorites so you can easily stay connected. I have a couple of announcements that are timely, so let’s get started.
First is that our monthly board meeting, usually on the first Tuesday of each month, lands on July 4th this year so we will be postponing our meeting until July 11th at 6:00pm at our community center.
The next announcement is about our annual meeting which is going to be on Saturday, July 29th at 10:00am at our community center. We will start with the business meeting and then share a potluck lunch around noon. We are asking that everyone bring a casserole, crock pot dish, chili or salad and we will provide beverages and bread.
At the annual meeting we will be voting to approve the budget for the next fiscal year. A copy of the proposed budget will be mailed out after the July 11th board meeting, so be on the lookout for that. The board voted to raise the annual dues by $25 per lot so we can take care of some much needed repairs and to have funds available for future repairs. These repairs will be detailed at our July 29 Annual Meeting.
We also will be voting in three board positions. We want to thank Nan B. for her three years of service on the board and as she takes a much needed break we need someone to replace her. Also up for renewal are the positions currently held by myself, Debby Geoghagan, and Gary Long. Gary and I were brought in after two board members resigned before the end of their three year term. I have been the board Secretary and chairman of the Social Committee since last November. Gary came on the board a couple of months ago and he has taken on the Maintenance committee chairman position as well. Gary and I are happy to stay on the board but we still need to be voted in for the next term. If you would like to nominate someone for a position on the board, please send an email to me at [email protected] or to our current board president, James Powers at [email protected]. The elected individual must be a Reflection Lake property owner and have been so for a full year or more in order to be eligible.