It has been brought to my attention that some or all of the residences of the Reflection Lake community may have received a letter in their mailbox that was distributed by former Reflection Lake Treasurer and still board member, Russ Bishop, without using the U.S. Postal service. The Reflection Lake board of directors did not approve or condone this action in any way.
Mr. Bishop resigned from the position as Treasurer but elected to remain a board member at the March board meeting on 03-06-2018 after being questioned about his accounting methods. Mr. Bishop’s letter is full of inaccuracies, not the least of which are his statements about the proposed covenants and bylaw changes which are currently being reviewed by a lawyer. The community will have ample time to review and comment on these documents prior to a vote by all of the Reflection Lake property owners. In addition, Mr. Bishop went on to sight such needed items that have been discussed for purchase by the board such as a new storage shed, fence removal and replacement and a new security cart. Had Mr. Bishop been paying attention at the March 6th board meeting he would have remembered that all of these spending requests and others were tabled due to budgetary concerns by the board.
In closing, Mr. Bishop even got the date for the wrong for the Lake Conservation committee meeting at Dan Loos’s home, so please don’t show up there on Wednesday March 14th. Mr. Bishop has been given every opportunity to be a part of any and all of the committees that it takes to make this Homeowners Association function and he has chosen not to participate in any of them. The accusations that Mr. Bishop has leveled at the Reflection Lake Board of Directors will be an agenda item at the April 3rd board meeting held at the Reflection Lake community center at 6pm.
Thank you,
Glen Mumm
President, Reflection Lake HOA