Board Election

Each annual meeting three board members are elected to serve a three year term.

This is your opportunity to influence the future course of the community. Everyone’s input on matters affecting the association is welcome and we have an open forum at the end of every board meeting for this purpose, but as a board member you actually get to help choose the course.

The only requirements are that you be a member of the association (lot owner), your dues are current, and you have been a member for at least one year.

If you are interested in serving on the board let us know and we will add you to the ballot.

To express your interested in being put on the ballot, please send a written request to our Association’s address:  RLCA 37708 N Sheets Rd Elk, WA 99009. You can also let any current board member know of your interest and we will see that your name is added to the ballot.

Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you at the meeting.

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