
Message from the RLCA President

Last Saturday we voted.  63% of all voting lots supported the resolution:  “I support the RLCA’s use of Association funds to defend the two lawsuits by negotiation and/or in court.  Funds will be used for legal fees and an assessment will only be used if necessary.”
We listen to all voices, and honor the will of the majority of RLCA owners.  Thank you Reflection Lake Owners.
To clear up a couple of misconceptions;  we were not voting to pay back the 25 owners who have already contributed to legal costs.  We were not voting on Special Dues.   We do comply with all Covenants, Bylaws and RCWs, including Bylaw 11.2 and have all minutes and final notarized ballot count available to review on this website.
Lucinda Wiser


Ballot Vote to Fund or not Fund Lawsuits with RLCA Money

May 15, 2021 10:00-12:00 a.m.

Meeting called to order at 10:10

Quorum present: Lucinda Wiser–president, Joe Dickinson—vice-president, Charlie Bennett—Secretary, Sandi Bennett, Gary Long. Also present but not for the whole meeting Jim Boothby—Treasurer, and Bill Pease.

Single issue—Whether or not to fund the lawsuits, brought on by Powers and Lee, with association funds.

Ballots counted by Diane Kenworthy, and Pat Foster

Count of ballots completed at 12:00 and certified by Notary, Lisa Lakin at 12:21 PM

Motion to adjourn by Lucinda WIser at 12:21, Sandi Bennett seconded.

Meeting adjourned

Final Result: 71 votes for Yay to defend lawsuits with association money

And 41 Nay to not use association money

Click to view Notarized Election Results

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