
These minutes are posted in DRAFT form. Although they have been reviewed by the President, there may be corrections made at the next meeting before they are approved.

Reflection Lake Community Association

Minutes 2021 May Board Meeting


Board Members: Lucinda Wiser, President; Jim Boothby, Treasurer; Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Bill Pease.

RLCA Members: Barbie Pease, Steve Hutchinson, Susan Weeks, Kit Cosby, Kent Ward, Ben Bersagel, Casey Lambert, Dan Loos

Zoom: Charlie Bennett, RLCA Secretary; Sandi Bennett, RLCA Board Member; Karen Long, Dinece Browne, Lori Johnson, Joe Kokinda

A Regular Board Meeting of the Reflection Lake Community Association was held on May 4, 2021 at The Community Center. The President, Lucinda Wiser presided, quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 6:02. The minutes of the previous meeting, April 6, 2021 were approved as read.

Reports given: (See Below)

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Jim Boothby
  2. Secretary Report, Charlie Bennett
    1. Motion to condense the Minutes following Robert’s Rule of Order . Motion made by Charlie Bennett
    2. Ammendment to the Motion: We will table the decision till the next meeting. This month we will write the minutes two ways. One with the Robert’s Rules and one the way we have been doing the minutes. Motion made by Jeff Toffer
    3. Vote: 6 ayes, and 1 nay – Motion carries as amended.
  3. Conservation, Maintenance and Dams, Dan Loos
  4. Community Relations, Lucinda Wiser
  5. Roads, Lucinda Wiser
  6. Firewise, Charlie Bennett
  7. Ad Hoc Legal Advisory Team Report, Jeff Toffer
    1. Motion made to adopt a new Ad Hoc Legal Advisory Team to work with our lawyer to respond to the lawsuits. Motion made by Jeff Toffer.
    2. Motion carried unanimously
    3. Motion made to send out a ballot to the community asking if we can use the Association Funds to defend ourselves. We will have a Special Meeting on May 15, 2021 from 10:00 – 12:00 to collect ballots that are dropped off. We will count the mail in proxies votes as well as the drop of votes. Motion made by Gary Long
    4. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business:

    1. Recycle Program – Denise – Please contact Dinece Browne at [email protected] for more information
    2. Security Position – Lucinda
      1. Motion to accept Gary Long as the Chair of the Security Committee. Motion made by Jeff Toffer
      2. Motion carried unanimously
    3. Wedding Event in July – Gary. Nicole Smith will have her wedding rehearsal dinner at Eagle Beach on July 10th. Jim reminds us we do have policy around this issue. This policy should be reviewed. Gary will follow up with Nicole on filling out the form.
    4. Budget Committee – Jim Boothby. Budget requests are due by May 15th at 1:00 PM at the Community Center.

Announcements: Sandi Bennett reminds us that the Yard Sale will be June 19 & 20. Please donate items, proceeds go to RLCA, or tell us where your yard sale is and we will direct people.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:12 PM

Zoom video recording of this meeting


Reflection Lake Public Relations Committee Board Report

Report from Community Relations Committee meeting: April 2, 2021

Community Center

7:00 PM

1. Newsletter mailed April 13th. With a survey

  1. The Results of the survey were as follows
    1. As of May 4, 2021 70.2% say we should defend ourselves from the lawsuit by either negotiations or in court.
    2. 54% say we should use Association Funds for our legal costs
    3. The ideal relationship between the RLCA and the RWA were mixed
    4. Who should control the Water system had mixed results as well.

2. Claiming Boats – We are currently running a campaign to put block and lot numbers on the boats docked at any of our four access lots. We have asked those members who have boats docked to contact Randy Kenworthy to register their boats as well as putting a block and lot number on the boat.


3. Welcome packets – We distributed 3 welcome packets to our new neighbors

Alan Keehner Block 6 Lot 8 & 9 –

Jim and Linda Markley Block 1 lot 31 –

Ben Bersagel Block 7 Lot 11 & 14

4. Annual Yard Sale – We will have a community wide Yard Sale at the Bennetts on the weekend of Elk Days.

5. Zoom – Lucinda opened a Zoom account in the name of the RLCA on April 2 using the community relations debit card.

Roads Committee Report

  1. We selected Casey Lambert to be Chair of the committee and Robert Syverson to be Vice Chair of the committee. We are in need of a secretary
  2. Look at bids.
Company Sheets (58) Lower Sheets (12) Frontage (14) Lake Road (2) Ponds (2) Lakeside (3) Total Total Cost per Private Road Lot
Arrow Road Products Incorporated Chip Seal







Black Diamond Asphalt Paving









Black Diamond Asphalt Paving









NorthWest – Asphalt








  1. How are we going to pay for this?
    1. Special assessment –
    2. Loan from bank backed by RLCA. Jim Boothby
    3. Out of pocket – Out of reach
    4. R.I.D. Jon Roman
    5. Casey said he would look at some websites to see if there were other grants out there we would qualify for.

4. How do we get the word out?

  1. Ballot –
  2. Petition – what would it say? When would it go out? See above
  3. Gathering – when do we call this? Where? See above

5. How do we clean out the culverts – Robert and Casey are going to organize a culvert cleaning party. Robert said he will mark the culverts.



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