RLCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2021
Meeting called to order at 6:09 PM
Present: President Rick Smith, Vice-President Joe Dickinson, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Secretary Charles Bennett, Jeff Toffer. There is a quorum present.
Charles Bennett moves to approve the prior meeting minutes as written. Jim Boothby seconds. Minutes are unanimously approved
Status of Lee/ Powers dissolution of RLCA lawsuit, date is set in August
Update on the Banner bank interpleader case that awarded the elected board access to bank account and found the election in good standing, Powers is appealing that decision. No other status updates
Abandoned boats still on hold as they were covered by snow. Owners will be notified to claim boats by putting name and/or lot, block number on the boat. The boats not claimed/identified by July, will be sold. Please put name and/or lot/block number on boats in order to claim.
Return of items from previous board members. The golf cart has been returned to Powers. Need keys and service perhaps. No other items have been returned. The sign board was stolen and has not been returned additionally. The fish binder and conservation book is missing as well. The turtle beach dock needs to be returned also.
The board has at least one vacant board spot in order to replace Bishop. Charles Bennett nominates Gary Long and Jeff Toffer seconded. All five board members in favor. This position is through July of 2021. Gary Long is now on the board
Jim Boothby announces point of order. From the 2019 board Richard Miller has failed to show up for 6 meetings. Request an explanation of why not showed up or send in letter of resignation. He is on the zoom meeting but did not respond.
JB Treasurer’s report: RLCA all accounts $71,826, budget for current year is $25,263 less unpaid dues of $2976 and some of that is bad debt lien. If you have a problem paying your dues please contact Rick Smith, president or Jim Boothby, treasurer to work out something.
Foster Garvey is still owed almost $14,000 and still waiting for an answer on that. All the following projects are funded, culverts, green belt clean up and repair, signs, community center repair, dock renew and repair, North Dam dry hydrant project (can fill up water instead of returning to their firehouse to get water for their pumper truck, possible personal home insurance savings).
Budget also includes fish, insurance, dam maintenance, taxes, roads, weeds, accounting, legal, restrooms, lawns and snow removal.
Next year’s budget is approved at the annual meeting in July.
Charlie Bennett Secretary: Suggests the 1st weekend in May as a date for the annual lake clean-up day with dumpsters (one for green and one for garbage). No appliances, furniture, or flammable items will be allowed. Please keep turning in those hours spent cleaning up your property and land in order to continue getting our benefits, like dumpsters and perhaps the dry hydrant. We need to man the dumpsters to stop the abuse. Also, on the schedule for clean-up weekend is lot 1. Options for replacing fence are discussed.
Rick Smith states that the dues reduction was last year only. Normal dues this year $175, paid by June 1.
CMD—Dan Loos —had a meeting Feb 23rd. No carp will be ordered this year as there is very few weeds. Contractor from CAD came out to look at the south dam. State requiring armoring the south face of the south dam with basalt to prevent future erosion. Current estimate is $8,000 to do the whole south face. It can be done in phases and the state will work with us if we can’t come up with all the money right away. $1500 would cover the top three feet for the whole length of the dam. Jim states there is $1500 in the budget already for the dams, and there could be additionally $1000 if there isn’t any more snow from the snow removal budget, if needed. Also need an updated survey which will cost about $3,000. We need to work on this to keep the state happy. Also, the valve needs to be repacked to keep it from leaking. A member noticed that the sun shade at Eagle Beach is leaning. There will be a walk around of the CMD to take a look at docks and other repairs. Also, talked about more sand for Eagle Beach and Bing’s.
Charles Bennett makes a motion to contact CAD and get the initial armoring of the south face of the south dam scheduled for the $1500 and placed once road restrictions are lifted. Joe Dickinson seconds the motion. Motion is unanimously approved.
CMD meeting is the last Tuesday of every month at 6:00
Jeff Toffer says Fish will be delivered when the road restrictions are lifted. What size fish do we want? As soon as fish are delivered, there is no fishing for two weeks. Security will be up and running at that time to enforce. Most people are in favor of larger fish being delivered, probably 1500-2000 fish in quantity.
Lucinda Wiser, Public Relation– Welcome packets will be updated to add contact list and preferred contact. The history books are more expensive to print than originally thought. There is no money in the budget to print more of the 50 year book. After discussion the decision is to update the book for the 60-year anniversary and please donate your 50 year book if you can for the new people. Public Relations meetings are held the Friday after Board Meeting with the next meeting being March 5, Friday at 7:00.
Lucinda Wiser, Roads committee consists of Jim Boothby, Sharon Vanderholm, Jon and Lori Roman, Casey Lambert, Robert Syverson and Lucinda Wiser. The goal is to present the three/four options with costs and talk to the members on Sheets Rd and report back to board. The Roads committee will also get with Rick Hayes to fill in the pot holes with the correct fill for the current situation. Meetings are on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 in the community center. Next meeting is March 11.
A member asked about the specifics of community clean-up day. It was explained that it entails a community picnic and groups go to different areas in the community to clean the grounds. She also asks if the community would be interested in recycling in the community. She will look into the costs of bringing recycling to our community.
Laptop is updated
And Purchase zoom? $150 a year, or purchase month by month for a couple of months until the new budget?
Jeff Toffer motions to purchase month by month until the next year’s budget and Gary Long seconded. Unanimously approved by the board.
Minutes will continue to be emailed to community and posted on website, once reviewed by president and/or vice-president. This will be draft form until approved at the next meeting
AED needs to be in a temperature-controlled box. Charles Bennett will donate the money for the box and Steve Hutchison will install it. How about power outage? Battery back up? Charles Bennett will look into it. As soon as the current AED is installed, donations for an AED on the other side of the lake will begin.
Member concerned about moving budget items, but it was clarified that the line item is in the current budget.
No one proposes any other business. Charles Bennett motions the meeting be adjourned and Jeff Toffer seconded. Motion passes unanimously. Meeting adjourned.