
These minutes were reviewed and approved as they stand at the March 2, 2021 meeting of the RLCA board. 

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Reflection Lake Community Center 37708 N. Sheets Rd, Elk Wa 99009

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM February 2, 2021.

Present in-person: President Rick Smith, Vice-President Joe Dickinson, Treasure Jim Boothby, Jeff Toffer, Bill Pease. Present via Zoom: Secretary Charlie Bennett. There is a quorum present to conduct business.


All members presented with a copy of the prior meeting minutes taken at the November 3, 2020 meeting. Motion from Jeff Toffer to approve the minutes as they stand. Jim Boothby seconds the motion. Minutes reviewed and unanimously approved as they stand.

Rick Smith on lawsuits status. The Banner Bank Interpleader is now resolved. The September 26th 2020 election was held to be valid (see decision). We expect to complete the process of securing management the RLCA bank accounts at Banner Bank tomorrow.

Lee/Powers amended their complaint to reflect the the resolution of the election. The suit still asks for the dissolution of RLCA, and that the RCLA does not control the RWA. The board members will work on a response to the changes.

Question from member: Was paragraph 8 of the Order Granting Summary Judgment underlined or crossed out. Response by RS: It was crossed out. The judge did not award attorney’s fees. Question: Will the Association repay the participants that contributed to the lawsuit. Response by RS: I am thinking no, but we have not discussed this yet.

Public Relations Chair Lucinda Wiser spoke on the success of the Reflection Lake calendar project last fall. Mark Wiser from Garland Printing provided the calendars at his cost. One hundred and thirteen calendars were purchased!

No action yet taken on motion from 10/6/20 meeting on the lake valve maintenance. Discussed it this should be tabled pending warmer weather and more information on the repair. Motion by Jeff Toffer to table this for 2 months. Seconded by Bill Pease. All in favor.

Charlie Bennett spoke for the FireWise committee. We are in good standing for 2021 FireWise based on hours turned in at the last meeting. Should begin projects by March. Potential activities for this year are the dry hydrant (about $1,000), but that probably would require up-front money from the RLCA. No money allocated directly for this at present. Cleanup dumpsters probably won’t require any up-front money. Motion by Jeff Toffer that Charlie request the dumpsters. Seconded by Bill Pease. Motion passes with one abstaining. Charlies asks that all members keep track of fire prevention hours. Gutter cleaning or any fire prevention clean-up.

Jeff: Fish budget this year $5,500. Will start the process to purchase from Fisheries. No carp purchased for two years, but still few weeds. Probably won’t buy carp for this year, either.

Susan Weeks present her FireWise hours to forward to Charlie.


Jim Boothby presented the Treasure’s report. Doesn’t have current bank info just yet, but should by tomorrow. He noted that delinquent payments are greater than usual. Discussed payment process: Payments not received when due (June 1) and still unpaid by August are assessed an additional $10 late fee. Dues still not paid by Dec may initiate a lien on the owner’s property. Jim requests anyone having trouble making payments contact him or the president to make payment arrangements to avoid penalties or property liens.

Access to the bank accounts is nearly complete, so preparing to pay $95.83 Inland Power for electricity to the community center, $800 for Rick Hayes for snow plowing and $196.20 to Charlie for key copies, postage/office supplies and expenses for newsletter. $352 due to Lucinda Wiser for the expenses of the election committee, but she and Jerry chose to donate that money to the legal fund.

Discussed Foster Garvy legal bill of $13,882 from previous board. Status not clear yet on that, but it may drastically affect budget. Discussed capital projects, like culvert cleaning, greenbelt cleanup for fire prevention, dock repair, dry hydrant. Dry hydrant, if approved and built, should help all members with fire insurance costs.

Lake insurance, about $2,000. About $1,500 each year for general dam maintenance… like replacing rock thrown into the lake. PLEASE DO NOT THROW THE ROCKS INTO THE LAKE! Other costs, weed spraying, mowing on Association properties, porta-potties.

Jeff Toffer: Fish usually delivered March or April. Looking for input on fish sizes. Contact Jeff directly, through any board member or [email protected].

Secretary Charlie Bennett spoke about new members to the community. New owners Bergasol, DeCoff and Voss. We are out of the new homeowner packets and the Reflection Lake book and need to order some. Richard Miller (not present) made the last order before. Lucinda Wiser knows where to get them made, if the board approves. Estimated cost is approximately $11 per book. Motion made by Charlie Bennett to authorize purchase of 10 more books. Joe Dickinson seconded the motion. All approve. Lucinda will purchase books.

Dan Loos, co-chair of the Conservation, Maintenance and Dams committee presented update Emergency Action Plans to each board member, with a copy for to post in the Community Center. This work recently completed by co-chair Gary Long in cooperation with the Dept of Ecology. This updated plan is an important part of the DOE requirements for our dams. DOE is requiring some upgrades: New upgraded survey, adding rip-rap or vegetation to down-stream side of south dam to help hold the surface in-place. Last CMD meeting in Nov, with a walk-around to view potential projects, such as new fishing area, west-side dock repair, Turtle Beach dock. Tuesday before board meeting is the meeting date for CMD committee.


Rick: Request minutes to be in summary form, rather that word-for-word record, with motions noted in full. Public Relations committee discussion about publishing meeting minutes while still in draft form. Motion by Jim Boothby to publish the minutes in draft form, provided that they are reviewed by President or Vice-President first. Jeff Toffer seconds the motion. All approve.

Discussed adding of postal mailboxes on Sheets road. Current cluster box is full. Some recently added with no problem, but because the road is narrow, it must be done with care. Jim Boothby spoke about the current cluster box and adding new boxes. This is an expense item ($1,000+) not currently in the budget. Tabled further discussion on new cluster boxes for the annual meeting. OK to add personal mailbox.

Discussed apparently abandoned boats on access lots. Jim Boothby spoke of past practices of trying to located owner and marking boats with the lot and block number of the owner. In the past, any unclaimed boats were sold during the annual meeting. Dan suggested the information about marking boats should be included in the new member packets discussed earlier. Lucinda, Jerry, Charlie and Sandi are collaborating on updates. Should also be in the newsletter. Max mention a T-post used for boat anchor. Dan suggests attending next CMD to brain storm some of the methods used to secure boats. Charlie mention possibility of boat rack. CMD will work on setting up a lake clean-up day. CMD should have something for the next meeting.

Discussed return of of RLCA equipment: need to have security cart, meeting notes, papers, keys, passwords and any other RLCA

Vacant board position discussed. It appears that we have a least one, (as Bishop not noted in judgment as a board member), although possibly others. Need to find out if Miller and Cato plan to remain on board. Discussed possible nominations, but the discussion is postponed to at least the next meeting to confirm positions and to confirm possible candidates are agreeable to the nomination.

No one proposes other business. Motion to adjourn from Jeff Toffer, seconded, all in favor. Meeting adjourned.

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