
This afternoon, Friday January 29, 2021, Judge Tony Hazel of the Spokane Superior Court heard arguments from counsel regarding the Banner Bank Interpleader lawsuit. As you have heard, the purpose of the hearing was to determine for Banner Bank who is the rightful board of directors for the Reflection Lake Community Association, and consequently the rightful managers of the RLCA bank account at Banner Bank.

Judge Hazel reviewed written material filed for this hearing and listened to statements/ arguments from the attorneys representing Rick Smith, James Powers and Banner Bank. He found that the September 26th 2020 election was legally conducted and that the results are valid. He has ordered Banner Bank to grant access to the RLCA accounts to the legally elected board members, represented by me, Rick Smith, as president. You can view Judge Hazel’s order here.

Treasurer Jim Boothby will begin work with Banner Bank to finalize access to the bank accounts now that the written decision is available.

Rick Smith, RLCA Board President

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