2019 June Board Meeting Minutes

Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – June 4, 2019

Board members present:  President Glen Mumm, VP Dan Loos, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Treasurer Jim Boothby, Security Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Social Committee Richard Miller, Firewise Charlie Bennett

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm in the RLCA community room.  We’re recording these meetings so the minutes can be accurately transcribed.  The recording is destroyed when the minutes are approved.

Minutes from the last meeting:  Any additions or corrections to May’s minutes? There is a motion and second to waive the reading of the minutes. Motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting by Dan and seconded by Jeff.  Motion passes.  April and Mays minutes are both on the website now.


               President-Glen Mumm:  We are now in the process of documenting anyone having a comment on something on a committee or something for the good of the order.  If anyone has any comments, please print your name on the signup sheet.

VP-Dan Loos:  nothing to report.

               Secretary Report-Vonnie Hutchison:  still need annual newsletter submittals by June 15th.  This newsletter date will help coincide with the annual meeting going forward.

Treasurer Report-Jim Boothby: Report included with the minutes. $62,6257 in the bank right now.  Have $30,000 worth of cd’s. We must have a reserve account of $35,000, which can only be used for major repairs to the dams, valves, etc.  Cannot be used for anything else.  Dues, 186 lots = $32,550.  $1,000 was saved from the greenbelt and could be used for something else if the board approves.  Trying to stay inside our budget.  Property taxes have gone through the roof.  County is taxing us an additional $80,000 assessment.  Our taxes will probably go up $400.

Motion to approve by Dan and seconded by Richard.


Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD) – Dan Loos:  handed out last CMD meeting minutes.  Jeff stated that we planted fish in May.  There have been quite a few people fishing.  Bass are behaving differently this year.  Some are being caught but not many.  Randy Osborn is maybe going to come out sometime in June to talk about the grass carp.  Might also speak about rearing trout minnows in ponds by the fish hatchery.  It’ll take a lot of volunteers to do that.

Charlie says the greenbelt vegetation is growing like crazy and it’s starting to look really good.  DNR explained that when you thin trees you get 400% growth.

Buildings and Maintenance:  bulletin board is going up.  Steve Hutchison has taken over signs.  All other signs are up (security, access, etc.)  There are a few projects left to do and we have a little money to do what we can.  Turtle Beach dock needs some work and the shed needs to the accommodate golf cart.  Our additional dock will be done next year.

The dam inspectors came out (2 engineers) and looked at the north and south dams.  They commented they were some of the best maintained in the State.  They suggested we should put more basalt rock on plus we removed a tree by a culvert.  They told us the vegetation is no problem on the dikes.  Cattails are no problem and to leave the vegetation that’s there.  They’ll send a report eventually.

Security-Gary Long:   Both golf carts are now functioning.  Someone said we spent $9,000 on a cart when we paid $1900.   We are trying to make sure guests have passes.  There were a couple of incidents where someone was knocking on doors and if no one was home they would steal things.  Two people were arrested.  Concerning the patrolling, I want to thank everyone for helping.  If you approach someone and they’re confrontational, back away.  There were some people when confronted indicated they had a gun.  Call the police including for speeding.  Security’s purpose is to keep the people who don’t belong here away and making sure everyone has a pass because we’re paying for the fish.  We once had block watch and a phone tree, which helped with security.  Deer Park/Elk Facebook page has quite a bit of information on what’s happening.

Budget Committee-Jim Boothby:  Handed out the preliminary budget for annual meeting.  We’ll have a preliminary meeting to kick upcoming budget back and forth so it can be used it at the annual meeting.  That next meeting is when the budget gets approved.  We need that preliminary budget.

Last year was the last load of carp.  Depending on the recommendation we may put in an extra 50 carp.  Restrooms need to be available for people using our lake.  Lake patrol is a necessary function and the budget is too low.  At one time it was $250/mo.  The three people providing security are giving up their time, weekends, evenings, etc.  Security needs to have a meeting and possibly increase that budget.  Originally the stipend was to offset that volunteer time.

Snow removal was way over budget.  $3500 now budgeted.

Maintenance and repair $300, dock repair $1000.  Should be a capital project?  Bings dock needs to be repaired again. Capital projects will need to be approved/disapproved by the membership.  All association members will vote on the budget.

Roads Committee-Robert Syverson:  Glen spoke with Robert and there hasn’t been any movement on the roads.  The approaches were repaired for about $10,000.  Budget remaining the same for road maintenance.  Robert will try to get a budget together to present to the Board.  There is no west side vs east side.  We are one community.  Put together a solid committee that puts a plan together and present it to us.  This is a very serious topic which includes maintenance and cleaning out the drainage ditches.  This work does not fall under CMD.  We, as an association, keep it maintained.  All arguing should be taking place at the committee meetings.  We are also trying to coordinate with the Water Board because the roads could ultimately be impacted by the community water system.  We have a couple people who are liaisons at the Water Board meetings, and the water board is supposed to have someone coming to our meetings.

Social Committee-Richard Miller:  Annual meeting/picnic.  Only board members will have Turtle Beach keys.  In the Welcome Packets, there is a lot of misinformation in the cover letter and needs to be re-done.  All our history books are gone.  Jerry’s okay with what is contained in them now.  Richard ordered 10 more booklets ($17/ea) from the school.  Mark Sleizer will do printing for us.  It’ll be nice to support people in our Association.  Social Committee meetings should be set so people can join in.  Meeting dates should be added to the website, newsletters and Facebook.  The North bench by the sign is being used quite a bit.  Upcoming is the Elk Pioneer Days yard sale, June 14,15 and will be at individual homes.  Glen will post on Facebook and Vonnie will post on sign.  We need to vote VIP for this year for the annual picnic.

Picnic set for July 13th, 9:30 Community Center.

Remember we need to give everyone 20 days’ notice before the annual meeting.  We can vote at the annual meeting where to hold future meetings.

Food – will be serving cured cheese sausages plus hotdogs and hamburgers.  Planning for 50 people to attend.  Susan Reimans is the host cook.  This is a potluck so bring your favorite dish, salads, side dishes, desserts.  Need coolers.  Buy ice and turn in receipts.  Put salads in an ice bath.  Gary will help cook.  Glen and Casey can bring shelters.  Casey, Glen, Charlie have ice chests.  Barbecue backup – Charlie.  They’ll need help bringing their barbecue here.  Glen can do a generic post on Facebook.  Vonnie will do the sign.  Bring popups for shade.  Bring games, chairs.

CC&RS & BYLAWS COMMITTEE-Jeff Toffer:  Bylaws and covenants are almost done.

Water Board:  There is a leak in the line that’s eroding the roadbed.  It will be fixed.

OLD BUSINESS:  FireWise: new district chief will get back to us on the dry hydrant.  There is no reason we can’t put in the hydrant.  Very inexpensive to do.  Water line will run out 200’ into the lake.  Fire hydrant could possibly cut our insurance in half.  There is free FireWise assessment for everyone to assess your property for fire danger; ladder fuel, etc.  Post on Facebook. 

NEW BUSINESS:  Board nominations at the annual meeting.  Three positions will be voted on., Glen is nominated, Dan is nominated.  Chad Boyd is interested.  Chad has been here 16 years and has also volunteered on the Roads Committee.  Chad is nominated and seconded for open board position.  There will also be the ability to nominate from the floor at the meeting.  Voting is by each lot.  The ballots will go out with 6 positions, three filled out and three left blank for write-ins.

Casey came to the CMD meeting and his game camera at the fish hatchery to view wildlife was approved.

Sunday night when Dan came home on L1 was a grey Cherokee jeep.  People were in their car with fishing poles.  We have all seen people on L1 and we need to check and see who it is.  A sign “No parking after 10:00pm.”, which the sheriff can enforce.  All winter long there was a car parked there after 3:00a.m.  Motion to put up a “no parking after 10:00pm” sign.  Jeff made motion and Gary seconded.

GOOD OF THE ORDER:  nothing to report

Jeff motioned to adjourn and seconded by Gary.

Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary

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