Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – March 5, 2019
Board members present: President Glen Mumm, VP Dan Loos, Secretary Vonnie Hutchison, Gary Long-Security, Jeff Toffer, Charlie Bennett.
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm in the VFW facility in Elk.
Reading and approval of the February minutes: Motion to approve by Jeff and seconded. Motion passes.
President-Glen Mumm: Nothing to report.
Vice President-Dan Loos: Nothing to report.
Secretary-Vonnie Hutchison: I continue to have problems with the computer that I bought for the Association. I had my computer guy fix it again. The problem is not enough storage and supposedly can’t be added. I bought myself a new laptop which I might resort to using but will try keeping this laptop updated.
Treasurer Report–Jim Boothby: Jim’s reports are included in minutes. The Association is in good shape going into spring and summer. We have some funds left to cushion cost over runs and do some small projects. Motion to approve by Dan, Gary seconds. Motion passes. This budget cycle runs through September. Our next budget starts the first day of October.
Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD) Dan Loos:
We had a meeting last Tuesday. The fence on Lot 1 was discussed and talked about proceeding with that this year. We’re having discussions with the owner. Possibly help her take down the old fence and put up ours. We need to be aware of how she will get the trailer out. Jeff says we did a survey on her fence and most of it is on the Association’s property. The Association would have to pay for fence because it would belong to us. We would go with whatever type of fence would be the most cost effective. If we could have a few more feet where the fence corner is it would help the fire department with accessibility. We could possibly get Firewise in there for cleanup because of the hazardous trees, etc. on that lot.
We’re exploring putting a pumping station on Lot 1 and possibly a dry fire hydrant.
There is a new county law going in that will make it easier for associations to force cleanup of neglected properties.
Jeff is spearheading improving the ponds by the fish hatchery to raise and release our own fingerlings. It was originally abandoned because there wasn’t anyone who would manage and maintain it. Mr. Sheets used to manage the hatchery. The fish would need to be fed twice a day. It would have to be a commitment of ½ dozen members of this community to take on feeding the fish. Fish will grow about 6”/year. This was the total fish supply for the lake originally, eggs to fingerlings to mature fish. This could possibly save us about $3,000/year. There is some brush and grasses in the ponds that need to be cleaned out and we would have to re-route one of the springs, so it feeds those two ponds and then goes back into the lake. This is a multi-year project. Randy Osborn of Fish and game thought it was a cool idea and would like to have a look at what we have. The Conservation District is also interested in doing things like that. John says we’re required to put sterile fish in and there is a hatchery in Spokane that has sterile fish. They must be sterile to try to protect the red band trout in Little Spokane River.
We are fabricating a new bulletin board this year. Steve Hutchison will build it. We need to move the sign back away from the corner to allow manufactured homes, building supplies, etc. onto Sheets Road. We should build it with sleeved poles so it can be removed. Steve will get a price on materials. We will move existing sign over to south end of Sheets.
We need to purchase a new security cart sign. Gary will recruit Association members to help with the lake security. We need to update our other signage.
The community center floor needs to be completely reconditioned, sealed and repainted. We could turn it into a community project. We’ll need to rough up the floor and recoat.
Purchase equipment to maintain trails, and Association properties. (pole saws, pruners, loppers, gas brush cutter, etc.) Charlie will spearhead renting or getting dumpster from Firewise for spring cleanup. The Fire Department from District 4 will come in May and help with cleanup if we ask them. We will notify community by email blast, posting on our sign and Community Center. Could tie in with our spring cleanup day.
We need to add more rocks to the north dam for aesthetics and structure. Charlie could rent a boom truck, which he is licensed to run, and we could use donated rock from property owners. To hire it out labor is the most expensive part of the bids. John is concerned about the dip in the road. Is it becoming worse? Is it because of higher lake levels? Jeff called the county last fall to look and they thought they’d have to dig it up, compact it and repave. There are also some tree roots that are tearing up the road on the south end. John thinks we’re getting another dip right before the hill and believes it’s because of the higher lake level. How long since has it been since it was last paved? 15 years ago. We will have an engineer analyze the dam.
The hiking trail has just a few more feet to finish up to Sheets Rd. We plan to start the trail at Ponds Rd. It is a beautiful spot with a spring on it. According to the old plat map there use to be a breeding pond there.
Our fish delivery could be the end of March, depending on weather. We will coincide opening our fishing season with the State opening. We will post on the reader board and at the Community Center.
Dry fire hydrant on lot 1. The captain of the fire department wants to meet the middle of March to discuss. The State is giving out grants to improve suppression of wild fires which we could possibly use. Our Association owns our water rights for several miles, but we need to revamp the community water system sooner rather than later. If we need to put in or add to our system, we cannot affect anyone else’s wells.
Community Center beautification – plant some trees for shade.
Security-Gary Long -No report yet.
Budget Committee: 2019-2020 budget worksheet will be passed out to the board at the April meeting and needs to be returned by the May meeting. That is for all committees. First budget committee meeting will be held in late May.
Roads Committee-Glen Mumm: Covered with snow. Can’t get any bids until snow is gone. Newport Equipment says they will honor their bid. Will there be an assessment on Sheets lots? Yes, but first we need to determine how much we can afford and what type of surface we want. The assessment is when the big task comes into play and Jim will be instrumental in putting these numbers together and getting it done.
Social Committee-Richard Miller: Richard absent. Sandy Bennett met Vernon Frazier, new neighbor, on Lakeside; and spoke to Nick ?? about possibly buying on Sheets. Glen: we need to combine efforts taking inquiries about our Association to make sure people aren’t getting contacted by more than one person. We could do a text on Messenger so we will know someone has been in contact. There are possibly 3 houses going in real soon.
Water Board- Jeff and Charlie will be the liaisons. We hopefully will have a report for the April meeting. Their meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 10:00 in the Community Center. We would like to have someone from their committee come to our meetings also. We’re hoping to have a report on for the April meeting.
CC&R and Bylaws– Jeff will have something next week.
OLD BUSINESS: We’ve been working with the lease lot owners for the last year. Seems we’ve come to an agreement to transfer the leases to the Water Board. When we get the paperwork and accounting done, we’ll get it to the attorney. Hopefully wrapped up by the end of April.
NEW BUSINESS: Firewise- Charlie: we bought some shrubs for the greenbelt and Eagle Beach and we’ll need to get protective tubes ($.98 each) for them. The Conservation Plant Sell is until March 15th ($2 tree). Dan makes a motion to purchase some foliage and tubes for $30 for Lake Association lots and Gary seconds. Motion passes.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: nothing to report.
We need to get the newsletter submittals right away. Jim and Dan have submitted.
Motion to adjourn by Jeff, seconded by Dan. Motion carried.
Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison