Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting – February 5, 2019
Board members present: Glen Mumm-President, Dan Loos-VP, Vonnie Hutchison-Secretary, Gary Long-Security, Richard Miller-Social Committee, Charlie Bennett-Firewise.
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at the VFW, Elk.
Reading and approval of the November minutes: Any additions or corrections? Motion to approve and seconded.
President-Glen Mumm: Handed out treasurer’s report. Read over the report and will send an email around to the Board members to be accepted or for comments. President doesn’t have anything.
Vice President-Dan Loos: I am looking forward to working with my colleagues on the board, committees, and association members this coming year.
We still have a lot to do in many facets of our association. We are getting closer to accomplishing many of the tasks that are ahead of us.
I am hoping more of our members consider taking some time to enjoy the comradery as well as the satisfaction of helping our little piece of paradise become the jewel that it is.
Secretary Report-Vonnie Hutchison: Will bring up a couple of ideas at our next meeting so we can get to the Firewise presentation.
Treasurer Report– Jim’s reports are included in minutes.
Conservation, Maintenance & Dams Committee (CMD)-Dan Loos:
CMD didn’t have a meeting. There is a breakdown of monetary requirements. Gary contacted Toners for the north dam rock for structural and aesthetic reasons. The total bid for the rock (with labor and taxes) would be $5800. Labor is about $2000 of that and taxes are about $500 (about $5300 if we don’t have to pay tax). Could do this year, in the future or over time.
Trail is being updated and improved, to allow for more places to fish: clearing grass, rebuild dock and launch to the new fishing area, clear valve area, new supports for Turtle Beach dock and remove cement weights. Other needs are signage, paint community center’s floor, add medium rock around the shade on the southeast area, beautify access areas with trees and bushes, remove problem trees by Garcia’s, address neglected properties, trickle tube on the north end of lake, fish planted in March, etc. Maybe drain the lake to make it more effective placing rock on south dike.
Can members who want to, donate more money for fish?
Gary says we haven’t seen a state inspector for the dams for some time. We must pay for the permit every year which is supposed to be for inspections. Need to contact. Golf carts are in storage.
Firewise Community – Guy, Conservation District: If RLCA becomes a Firewise USA site, it means neighbors working together to reduce fire hazard, similar to a Block Watch. This is a Volunteer Recognition program. The benefit of Firewise is reducing the risk of catastrophic fires. Meetings need to be held to discuss assessment recommendations so a leadership committee would have to be established. If the State funds it more grant money may be available for any needs that would benefit the community’s elimination of fires. Each household that signs up commits to $25/yr which can be time donated (one hour equals $25). Potentially USAA insurance may possibly give a 5% discount on insurance for Firewise if the State approves.
Board can decide where the fire crew works if the property owner agrees. Can an individual get a day’s work from the crew? Yes. The community needs to decide where the crew will work. There would possibly be a dumpster available for refuge cleanup.
Budget Committee- New budget planning starts in March.
Newsletter Insert:
Reflection Lake … operated by you the lot owners and your families. Lot owners who live here or close by, have volunteered to help through joining the board, committee, or helping in any way they can. We have 189 lots owned by 130 members, and 92-member families living at the lake. In any given year 10 to 15% of members volunteer — It’s your turn! Maintaining the beauty of our lake, greenbelt, dams, access lots, and common areas take active Boards & Committees, and Volunteers. The Committees are the key to a well-run association. Joining a committee gives you direct input on how we approach current and future issues. If you could lend a hand, if you care about a particular topic, want to fight boredom, have an expertise you can share, or just get to know your neighbors. It’s your turn! We have the lowest dues and the best private recreational area that you will find. Without your help, costs go up and functions get contracted out, and we will all pay more for less!
Roads Committee-Glen Mumm: Not ready for meeting yet. Robert Syverson, Newport Paving will honor original quote. Still getting quotes. Glen, we will have a meeting when quotes are in and can sit down with Jim Boothby on the financing.
Meeting is adjourned unless we have anything else to discuss since there are no committee reports yet. Should have commitees ready by the next meeting so we can adjourn the board meeting for the presentation on Firewise.
Prepared by Vonnie Hutchison, Secretary