Due to rain the meeting was moved from Bishop Park to the community center.
There was a great turnout of about 75 and 56 ballots were cast for three new directors. They are Jim Boothby, Glenn Mumm, and Dan Loos.
Retiring board members are Mike Bulish, Russ Bishop, and Neal Kimball.
A presentation was made for the proposed pavilion. The members voted to NOT construct a pavilion at this time.
The community service award was presented to the Bishop family and accepted by Russ Bishop.
The dams committee reported that the problem valve in the south dam has been closed and draining the lake will not be necessary.
The other required action at an annual meeting is ratification of the budget adopted by the board. Ratification is an up or down vote. If the budget is not ratified the board must adopt a new budget and resubmit it to the membership. Until a budget is ratified we continue to operate at the level of last years budget.
The budget was not ratified.
The next board meeting is Aug 2nd at 6pm in the community center. This is your opportunity for input on the new budget.
A ratification vote can be by mail or at a live meeting. The membership at the annual meeting indicated a preference for a live meeting.
NOTE This ratification process is required by state law and is not currently in our by-laws. The specific citation is RCW 64.38.027 (3)
By this time the weather was beautiful and we all enjoyed lunch outside.