Reflection Lake Community Association Board of Directors
February 4, 2025
- Call to Order 18:30
- All current members present
- Approval of Minutes
- Minutes are included in Board Packet
- Officers Reports (as needed)
- President:
- RCW 42.30.050 Interruptions at public meetings
- Appointment of new board members
- Bylaw 5.5 Vacancies
- Is there a motion to seat Charlie Bennett?
- Moved by Russ
- Seconded by Terry
- Discussion occurred
- Motion failed
- In favor Russ and Terry
- Opposed Jerry Randy Keith Gary Abram
- Is there a motion to seat Mike Brown?
- Moved by Russ
- Seconded by Terry
- Discussion
- Approved Abram Jerry Terry Russ, Gary
- Is there a motion to seat Joe Dickenson?
- Moved By Russ
- Seconded Terry
- Discussion
- Motion failed
- In favor Terry Russ
- Opposed Abram, Jerry, Randy, Gary
- Abstain Keith
- Proposed Board Policy to clarify filling board vacancies in the future.
- Proposed policy in board packet
- 19:00 done out of order
- Discussion of proposed policy in board packet
- Moved and seconded to approved
- Moved and seconded to table discussion until the next meeting
- Tabled until next meeting
- Treasurer (Treasurer’s Report in the board packet) 18:56 Report in board packet
- Vice President
- Legal Update
- Small Claims Decision.
- Claim denied
- Question about water contract requirements.
- Legal decision is in the board packet
- Small Claims Decision.
- Legal Update
- President:
- CMD report
- Dry Hydrant update
- Permit is in process and looks like it will be approved
- Bings Landing dock
- Dock may need to be replaced
- Gonzaga study update
- Students are continuing their work
- Making progress and making reports
- Diana update:
- Picture from newsletter of students
- Capstone project to improve the lake water quality
- Lake has not enough plant life
- One group focused on replanting
- One group addressing carp
- Sediment samples have been taken and will be used to see if anything grows.
- Drone used for carp survey was inconclusive
- Will report in the spring.
- Lake has not enough plant life
- Dry Hydrant update
- Boat repair- transom
- Needs work, will be repaired
- Clean up- date and time discussion
- Time and date to be set at next meeting
- Clearing of brush on dams required by DOE
- Ongoing
- Report to DOE
- Annual report submitted in december
- Rock placement will need permits from county
- Proposed RLCA: Lawsuit Survey of community. Using Google Forms.
- Proposed survey to the whole community
- Short simple survey to be sent by email.
- Proposed to have the law firm send the survey.
- Subcommittee formed with Russ, Jerry and Denice.
- Requested to have results prior to the March hearing of the lawsuit.
- Proposed survey to the whole community
- Roads Report
- Water running into lake
- Ditch improvement worked on
- More work needed
- Discussion with county is ongoing
- Move volunteers appreciated
- Contact Keith to get more information.
- Water running into lake
- Community Forum
- Answering questions
- Question: What is required in the contract for the RWA operator?
- Introduction of Items to be added to next meeting’s agenda
- RWA and RLCA working together question
- Road improvement question
- Taxes question
- In memoriam of Joyce Tonner by Russ
- In memoriam of Sarah Gibson (Drexel) by Lucinda
- CAC has sent a card to the Tonner family
- CAC is preparing another card for the Drexel family
- Russ mentioned importance
- Off leash dog reported by Joe Kokinda
- Reminder to drive safe and slow.
- Adjourn