2025-02-04 Board Meeting

Reflection Lake Community Association Board of Directors

February 4, 2025


  1. Call to Order 18:30
    1. All current members present
  2. Approval of Minutes 
    1. Minutes are included in Board Packet
  3. Officers Reports (as needed)
    1. President:
      1. RCW 42.30.050 Interruptions at public meetings
      2. Appointment of new board members
        1. Bylaw 5.5 Vacancies
        2. Is there a motion to seat Charlie Bennett?
          1. Moved by Russ
          2. Seconded by Terry
          3. Discussion occurred
          4. Motion failed
            1. In favor Russ and Terry
            2. Opposed Jerry Randy Keith Gary Abram
        3. Is there a motion to seat Mike Brown?
          1. Moved by Russ
          2. Seconded by Terry
          3. Discussion
          4. Approved Abram Jerry Terry Russ, Gary
        4. Is there a motion to seat Joe Dickenson?
          1. Moved By Russ
          2. Seconded Terry
          3. Discussion
          4. Motion failed
            1. In favor Terry Russ
            2. Opposed Abram, Jerry, Randy, Gary
            3. Abstain Keith
      3. Proposed Board Policy to clarify filling board vacancies in the future.
        1. Proposed policy in board packet
        2. 19:00 done out of order
          1. Discussion of proposed policy in board packet
          2. Moved and seconded to approved
          3. Moved and seconded to table discussion until the next meeting
            1. Tabled until next meeting
    2. Treasurer (Treasurer’s Report in the board packet) 18:56 Report in board packet
    3. Vice President
      1. Legal Update
        1. Small Claims Decision. 
          1. Claim denied
        2. Question about water contract requirements. 
          1. Legal decision is in the board packet
  4. CMD report
    1. Dry Hydrant update 
      1. Permit is in process and looks like it will be approved
    2. Bings Landing dock
      1. Dock may need to be replaced
    3. Gonzaga study update 
      1. Students are continuing their work
      2. Making progress and making reports
      3. Diana update:
        1. Picture from newsletter of students
        2. Capstone project to improve the lake water quality
          1. Lake has not enough plant life
            1. One group focused on replanting
            2. One group addressing carp
          2. Sediment samples have been taken and will be used to see if anything grows.
          3. Drone used for carp survey was inconclusive
          4. Will report in the spring.
  1. Boat repair- transom
    1. Needs work, will be repaired
  2. Clean up- date and time discussion 
    1. Time and date to be set at next meeting
  3. Clearing of brush on dams required by DOE
    1. Ongoing
    2. Report to DOE 
      1. Annual report submitted in december
    3. Rock placement will need permits from county


  1.  Proposed RLCA: Lawsuit Survey of community. Using Google Forms.
    1. Proposed survey to the whole community
      1. Short simple survey to be sent by email.
      2. Proposed to have the law firm send the survey.
      3. Subcommittee formed with Russ, Jerry and Denice.
        1. Requested to have results prior to the March hearing of the lawsuit.
  2. Roads Report
    1. Water running into lake
      1. Ditch improvement worked on
      2. More work needed
        1. Discussion with county is ongoing
    2. Move volunteers appreciated
      1. Contact Keith to get more information. 
  3. Community Forum
    1. Answering questions
    2. Question: What is required in the contract for the RWA operator?
    3. Introduction of Items to be added to next meeting’s agenda
    4. RWA and RLCA working together question
    5. Road improvement question
    6. Taxes question
    7. In memoriam of Joyce Tonner by Russ
    8. In memoriam of Sarah Gibson (Drexel) by Lucinda
      1. CAC has sent a card to the Tonner family 
      2. CAC is preparing another card for the Drexel family
    9. Russ mentioned importance 
    10. Off leash dog reported by Joe Kokinda
    11. Reminder to drive safe and slow.


  1. Adjourn 


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