7-27-24 RLCA Annual Meeting Minutes
Board Directors in Attendance: Gary Long (President), Jerry Parker (Treasurer), Randy Kenworthy (Secretary), Abram Cosby, Keith Cox, and Russ Bishop
- Meeting called to order at 10:00 am.
- Gary presents the agenda and states his appreciation to committee members and board directors for their efforts. He announces that the meeting is audio recorded.
- Diana (Election and CAC Committee Chair) talks about the election, door prizes, explains the vote counting procedure, and takes questions from the community members.
- Approval of Previous Board Meeting Minutes
There were some dissent and questions which were addressed.
Minutes were approved five to one.
- Treasurer’s Report (Jerry Parker)
Report attached to original minutes
- Approval of 2024-25 Budget
Discussion with board members and community members
Lucinda Wiser moves to approve the budget.
Dani (Vanderlinde) seconds the motion.
Budget approved by community members 19 to 4.
- Committee Reports
CMD (Dan Loos) lists several recent accomplishments and thanks volunteers for their efforts.
Firewise (Jeff Toffer) Input from Keith and Jeff
Bylaws (Paul Cramer) Not present
CAC (Diana Kenworthy) talked about the last Milan-Elk Road clean-up with help the SCOPE officials, the summer newsletter, the potluck, and door prizes
Security (Gary Long) brings up speeding on community roads and Bald Eagle Beach gate left open often
Roads (Keith Cox) Letters have been sent out explaining the new roads assessment. There is much discussion. Keith also emphasizes the speed limit on private roads is 15 miles per hour.
- Abram motions to approve a $40.00 assessment amount.
Randy seconds the motion and the motion passes unanimously.
- Keith motions to establish a new account at Horizon Credit Union in Deer Park
Gary seconds the motion and it passes unanimously.
Signers on the account will be Keith Cox, Jerry Parker, and Russ Bishop.
- Legal Report (Gary Long)
The hearing is still scheduled for September 13th.
RLCA attorney has submitted a motion for dismissal based on third party operator statement.
Abram mentions that all court proceedings are available online.
A fairly long discussion ensued concerning water rights and lawsuits.
- Open Forum
Details are audio recorded.
- Meeting recessed at 12:05.
- Election Results were announced.
Newly elected board directors are:
Keith Cox – 74 votes
Gary Long – 65 votes
Abram Cosby – 65 votes
Paul Cramer – 55 votes
Jim Markley – 35 votes
Alternates (Write in’s):
Charlie Bennett – 11
Mike Brown – 9
Joe Dickinson – 8
- Keith motions to adjourn the meeting
Randy seconds the motion.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm