2024-07-02 Board Meeting Minutes

7-2-24 Regular RLCA Board Meeting Minutes

These minutes are posted in DRAFT form. Although they have been reviewed, there may be corrections made at the next meeting before they are approved.

Board Directors in Attendance: Gary Long (President), Jerry Parker (Treasurer), Randy Kenworthy (Secretary), Abram Cosby, Keith Cox, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, and Paul Cramer

  • President Long calls the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  • Melissa Tallant, guest speaker from Spokane County Weed Board

She suggests that several properties have noxious weeds.

Noxious weed information is passed out to all in attendance.

Questions and comments from the audience (35 minute discussion)

  • Approval of minutes

Abram moves to approve minutes as written.

Keith seconds the motion.

Minutes are approved with one director abstaining.

  • Treasurer’s Report (Jerry Parker)

Lengthy discussion concerning reserve fund concerns and road assessment details

Specifics are available on reflectionlake.net

Full report attached to original minutes

Abram moves to approve the budget as written.

Randy seconds the motion.

The budget is approved with six directors voting yes, one abstaining, and one voting no.

  • Jerry begins a discussion about accounting/collections

Jerry moves to cancel our account with Franklin Accounting and initiate in-house accounting responsibility until we find a new accounting firm.

Russ seconds the motion. Motion passes with one abstention.

  • Committee Reports:

  • CMD Committee Chair (Dan Loos)

Plant pen has been reinforced / Dinece to buy plants ($150 budget)

Deep water test came back in the normal range

Someone tried to remove Bald Eagle Beach gate

Weeds removed at Bishop’s Park and the North Dam

Dan proposes to limit social media chats about Reflection Lake to help prevent non-members from using RLCA resources.

Dan and volunteers will update the measuring capabilities for the water level at the South Dam.

Big work party needed to remove large vegetation at the North Dam

Many improvements were done at Bald Eagle Beach.

  • Firewise Committee(Jeff Toffer) Not present

Gary states Spokane County’s rules of no open fires and no fireworks

Dan Loos recommends recording firewise hours to give to Jeff Toffer

  • Bylaws Committee (Dan Freas) Not present

Terry has not begun work on the bylaws yet.

Paul Cramer discusses updating our bylaws and covenants according to new updated RCWs.  Paul volunteers to be the new Bylaws Committee Chair.

  • Community Action Committee (Diana Kenworthy)

The correct speed limit on Sheets Road is 15 miles per hour.  Keith Cox noted that Casey Lambert has some correct speed limit signs.

(Full report attached to original minutes)

  • Election Committee (Diana Kenworthy)

Annual meeting is 10:00 am, July 27th at the Community Center.

Counting of ballots is scheduled to begin at 9:00am.

Abram asks how the new board members’ terms will be decided. A discussion followed. It was decided that the three candidates with the most votes will have a three year term, the candidate with the next highest number of votes will have a two year term, and the candidate with the fifth highest vote count will have a one year term.

Diana asks the board to set a “date of record” for the election.  Abram moves to establish “date of record” as July 8th. Terry seconds the motion. The motion passes unanimously.

(Full report attached to original minutes.)

  • Security (Gary Long)

Gary states that the Bald Eagle gate has been constantly left open.

Max Newsom is making several new signs for the RLCA community.

Gary once again emphasizes that no fireworks, open fires, or shooting is permitted within the plat.

He cautions about too many bow fishermen hunting the grass carp.  We need to keep track of how many carp are culled.

Gary brings up a concern about people exceeding the speed limit on our community roads.

  • Roads Committee (Keith Cox- chair and Jerry Parker – advisor)

Roads Committee meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm at the Community Center.

There is currently $1,247 in the Roads Committee budget

Discussion about requirements of the Mediated Settlement Agreement as it relates to the east side roads.

New committee members are Chad Boyd, Rebecca Britton, and Jon Roman. Keith is welcoming any new interested east side members.

Keith asks for information about the lease lots. Jerry says that they are actually private, unbuildable lots.

  • Legal Issues (Gary Long)

Hearing date is rescheduled for September 13th per plaintiff request.

The RLCA board has not received a signed contract between the RWA and their third party operator, Reuel Klempel, although it has been requested numerous times.

  • Open Forum (community members)

Danielle Cox begins a discussion about east side road fees and suggests that some incentive plan be implemented to encourage more community members to get involved in community activities.

Paul Cramer says this could possibly be worked into the new bylaws.

Diana Kenworthy states that it is important to listen to different perspectives and opinions regarding pesticides and herbicides and she disagrees with many things that the county weed board representative said.  Several other community members showed support.  Many agree that pulling weeds is a healthier and safer option than spraying.

There is a discussion about the impact of people walking on private roads vs. vehicle traffic.

  • Motion to adjourn by Keith and seconded by Jerry.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

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