Reflection Lake Community Center Association
Annual Meeting
Present: Sandi Bennett, Jim Boothby, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Joe Kokinda, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long,
Robert Syverson, Joe Dickinson
Saturday July 22, 2023
1. Call to Order (meeting recorded, audio only)
2. Election of board Directors—David Vandermeer
a. Nominations from the floor—none
b. All ballots received?
c. Polls are closed
3. Minutes of Previous annual meeting—Sandi
a. Gary moves to accept the July 2022 minutes from the annual meeting
b. Terry seconds and all approve minutes
4. Budget Approval—Jim Boothby
a. Lucinda moves to accept Budget, Charlie Bennett seconds all vote to approve, none
5. Capital Projects—Jim Boothby
a. See addendum
b. All volunteer we are trying are best, please help and participate in your committees to
keep dues at the low cost that they are
6. Reports of Standing Committees
a. Conservation, Maintenance and Dams and Firewise -Dan Loos/Jeff Toffer
i. We have accomplished quite a bit with donations and a lot of help
1. South dam lake valve, valve is back in place but still has operating
2. Dept of Ecology required more rock and because of Firewise that was
3. Rebuilt Turtle Beach Dock, kayak rack and horseshoe pit also at Turtle
4. Attempted repair at Bald Eagle but it needs to be re-repaired in the
5. Established a plant pen in the lake to help filter
6. Planting fish this fall thanks to a go fund me
7. The county took care of the depression and patched potholes on
Lakeside drive—street light at the confluence of roads was denied due
to lack of funds
8. Like to get a skimmer again for the north end but the costs are
astronomical—perhaps a future grant?
9. Water and power on access lots would be helpful to add aeration to the
10. Fish hatchery—prevent collapsing roof
ii. Next year projects
1. Weed removal group takes care of the access lots
2. Noxious weeds on the lake need to be mowed or sprayed
3. Shed door to repair
4. Water aeration at Kerry Wilson’s place—needs to repair pump
5. Eagle Beach expansion and donations of rock and sand
6. Community Center interior paint
7. Dry hydrant installation is held up in permitting
8. Dept of Ecology is requiring a survey of our dams in the next year or two
9. Maintain the north and south outflows
10. Thanks to all the volunteers that keep this lake flowing
iii. Firewise contributed the rock for the south dam and provided the
dumpster and a call into Corey Smith to finish the permitting process
b. Security—Gary
i. Fourth of July went smoothly
ii. Thanks to every one of you as part of security
iii. South Dam gate has been open lately and the SW access lot has been
found open lately
iv. Speeds have been down on Sheets Rd
c. Roads Committee—Robert
i. Bartholomews have donated their own money and time to fill a lot of the
potholes on Sheets road
ii. Still want to put another speed sign in the middle of Sheets Rd
d. Public Relations/Social Committee—Angela
i. It takes a lot of people to put these functions together—please volunteer to
1. Carolling in December
2. Halloween Party at the Bennetts
3. Monster Mash at Wards
4. Two successful road clean ups
5. Bingo night in the works
6. Successful Lake Clean Up day
7. Raised another $3000 for the lake with the community yard sale at the
7. Legal Update
a. Third party lawsuit with dismissed when the new board came in
b. Quick claim deed to clear clouded titles
c. Lee/Powers lawsuit currently stayed
d. Appeal of the Banner Bank appeal case for Powers-he’s appealing the decision of the
the appellate decision—all briefs have been filed so legal costs should be low
8. RLCA/RWA Merger
a. March the east side members voted overwhelmingly to merge with RLCA
b. In May the community voted to merge as well
c. On Wednesday, the papers were filed to merge the associations
d. Introduce the members, Wayne, Mike, Charlie, Debbie, Danielle, Kathy,
i. See addendum
9. Open Forum
a. Sarah Gibson wants to know how to get rid of the noxious weeds
b. Need to address speed limit on lake
c. Address garbage on peoples properties—notices will be sent out
10. Election Results—David
a. Randy Kenworthy 69
b. Jerry Parker–63
c. Denise B—61
d. Jeff Toffer—49
e. Robert Syverson—45
f. Joe Dickinson—31
11. Waiting until next board meeting
12. Sandi motions to adjourn meeting and Gary Long seconds—adjouned at 12:20