Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2024
Meeting called to order at 6pm. No objections to the meeting being recorded.
Board members present: Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jerry Parker, Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Russ Bishop, Randy Kenworthy, Dinece Browne
President Jim Boothby we will have a separate meeting on March 9th.
Vice President Gary Long spend time of details of the merger and CMD meeting.
Treasures report Jerry Parker see addendum on Website.
Reimburse for lawsuit will be owed by the loss could be approximately 25k to 30k returned to lake association.
Secretary Dinece Browne Minutes Sandi Bennett made a motion to accept the February Board meeting minutes. Randy Kenworthy seconded. All 8 in favor.
Bylaws Committee Dan Frease We have to upgrade to Current rcw standards, and we have to decide a community if we are going to be muti class or one class. The Merger need to be in the bylaws. It takes 51% of all lots to vote on a change. You can not update the Bylaws until you update to the Current RCW state Standards.
Community Action Committee Dinece Browne. We need to have a Co-Chair until Angie Ward is available. Meeting on March 19th and get things on track.
CMD Dan Loos and Gary Long
1. Shake your neighbor’s hand. We need to be one community.
2. DOE is this May or June. A list of items: the valve survey and adding more rock
3. Draft site with Jeff Toffer with Wayne Moore and Fire Department. Looking for a site on the north dam for the dry hydrant.
4. Rock on the North dam to fill in the voids. DNR will be paying for some of the rock.
5. Fish coming soon.
6. County is coming soon for the discussion on weeds.
7. The dock at Eagle beach needs to be repaired.
8. $250 in the Budget for power hook up for an aeration system cost and installation still needs discussed.
9. Get an Electrician to look at pump at Kerry Willson for the fountain.
10. Water quality for our lake. Randy Kenworthy is looking into it. To Local colleges to do a work study.
11. Porta Potties is coming at the end of the month on the 26th.
12. Keep the outlets clear when you walk around the lake.
13. Fish Derby is in the planning by Keith Cox and the CAC.
14. Wood RLCA sign needs to be repainted.
15. Need to get bid for the draft site must be licensed and bonded.
Firewise Jeff Toffer
There were 168 fires in Spokane County last year. The fire department is planning for a busy fire season. Hot weather and winds contribute to the fire problems. Spokane County fire is planning with more equipment and air support. Homeowners can do a lot to prevent fires at upir home. By calling Ben Peterson (Spokane Conservation) can review your property. Cautionary program pays up 75% -$7500 to keep fire from happening. You pay up front and they will help with reimbursement. Please do not burn use the transfer station.
May 4th is out lake cleanup day.
Paperwork has been turned into Cory Smith with the county on our proposal for the dry hydrant.
Water Committee Joe Kokinda and Sandi Bennett voted on the water committee.
1. Talk about the money in account
2. Reuel Kemple talked about the SCADA system for a power outage, loss of pressure will send out the information.
3. Replacing the meters Fowler and curbside read
4. Signers on the Bank account are Mike Cooper, Chad Boyd, and Joe Kokinda
5. We did have a power outage that was planned, and SCADA did alert Wayne. Quick to respond. Joe Kokinda is the new point of contact. We have a new generator for a power outage and will be stored at the pump house.
Treasury Daniell Cox: $20,623.18. $2387 Paid accounts. $40 lab water testing. $10 hook up
$138.91 Inland power. Franklin Accounting $200. Total Expense $388.91 $22621.27 balance in account. Water operator is on auto pay. Only water payments are from the people using the water.
Some accounts have high outstanding balances. We need to have a policy for payment on high past due accounts.
Roads Committee Jim Boothby
The roads committee has disappeared. We have $3700 in the budget this year and a rollover of $2000 from last year. These roads have to be repaired. In May we are going to talk about the dues, and we are going to have to assess the east side for the roads. We have people with talent and experience, and we need a chairperson. RLCA mediation states we have to appoint only from east side. RLCA helps only for minor repairs and snow removal. Robet Syverson said it is the Boards responsibility to help with the roads when there is not committee.
Keith Cox proposes to use the budget money and redo some of the poor sections. We can get some people together to run equipment and did up the roads. Get rid of asphalt and pack it down in sections.
Many members state whoever does major repairs on the Sheets Road needs to be licensed and bonded.
Sandi Bennett, I move we seek out and hire a lake manager. Seconded by Joe Kokinda. Sandi Bennett reads a document (a copy can be asked for by [email protected]). Discussion: Jim Boothby stated: Too big of an issue to be discussed in this meeting. Needs to be in proper forum to be presented to the members of the lake. We can call a meeting and let people have a say in how it operates. Sandi Bennett recited: Article 8 Section 12 13 states we can do this. (Please read for complete bylaws). states policy and procedures or personal affairs.
Covenants were read by Joe. 2.4 2.4.3 2.4.4 Stated it will stop the bickering and end the lawsuit.
Members stated not in the budget, unsure of the costs to the community. This needs to go before the members. Details need to be investigated. Gary Long stated: this will go on record you are proposing this, Joe and Sandi. Russ Bishop stated: We can find a good management company we need to study this, and members can participate. Discussion is over for now.
Joe Kokinda made the motion for the fish and was seconded by Sandi Bennett. Motion approved by all 8. $5100 will be spent.
April newsletter write up will be April 2nd and newsletter will go out April 15th.
Old Business
1. Email policy needs approval at the next meeting please review. Corrections at next meeting.
2. Mr. Lee has requested meditate for the Lawsuit. Will schedule in 30-45 day for a discussion.
3. Open to the members Meeting at 3/9 10 am. Merger and Mediation water committee and their goals.
4. Sheets Roads potholes. Project is proposed and will need to have a cost proposal to time and date. Working within the roads budget. Directly do from treasure and cap is $3000.
5. Daniell Cox said you can ask for all the costs and breakdown of the water committee.
Open Forum
Mike Brown states the dues are outrageous.
Joe Kokinda, I believe we must go back to mediation because of the lies and false statements of Mr. Boothby. These are covered in multiple emails from him.
1. Many members talked about not being broadsided.
2. Is there is a policy to impeach.
3. If stated in the bylaws we should be able to move forward.
4. He should be able to read it and we can set up a settle up in a meeting.
5. Jim Boothby asked for a copy, and I’ll respond to it.
Jim Boothby moved to adjourn at 7:50pm Dinece Seconded. All in favor.