2024-04-02 Board Meeting Minutes

RLCA Board Meeting 4/2/24

Call to order at 6:00pm
Board members present:
Jim Boothby; Jerry Parker; Randy Kenworthy; Russell Bishop; Terry Zoesch; Sandy Bennett; Joe Kokinda
Meeting minutes:
Abram Cosby (RLCA member, volunteer, non-voting vfc)
President: Jim Boothby
Announced resignation of Denise Browne
Abram will take minutes
Objected to by Sandy
Objection overruled by Jim with precedent cited
Vice President: Gary Long, not present
Treasurer report: Jerry Parker, See attached
Secretary report:
Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting from Terry
Seconded by Russell
Motion passed: 5 in favor, 2 opposed

Committee Reports:

Bylaws Committee: No report due to illness by chair of committee
2006 Bylaws mentioned as most current
Sandy offered 1 sample document from another HOA to the committee chair
Joe asked when the next meeting will take place. No clear date set.

Community Action Committee (CAC): Diana Kenworthy, acting chair
Report on Welcome Packets for new community members.
Discussion of neighborhood directory to support local businesses
Previously approved
Add to Newsletter
Clarification on name abbreviation: CAC refers to the Community Action Committee
Facebook page
Model on Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Content monitoring will be needed
Rules will be forthcoming
Joe opened a group to reserve the name
Existing page will continue to be used
Road Clean Up Day will be Saturday April 6, 2024 10:00am
Materials to be dropped off by county on Thursday
Collected garbage will be removed by County on Monday
Discussion of contacting Sheriff for additional patrols during that time
Question about having radar trailer in our area during the clean up
S.C.O.P.E Speedometer Radar
Lake Clean Up Day will be Saturday May 4, 2024 9:00am
Potluck to follow
Community asked to bring salads and dessert
Hotdogs to be provided by CAC
Abandoned boats will be removed
Abandoned bicycle at Turtle Beach will be reported to crime check and then removed.
Fish planted April 1st
Fishing Derby
Rules and dates to come
Tentatively June 8th
CMD and CAC cooperative event
Fish Fry and Hotdogs after the derby
Volunteers needed
Next Meeting April 16th

Conservation Maintenance and Dams Committee (CMD): Dan Loos
Fish delivered with thanks to Jeff
North Dam rock project
Rock donated by Kent and will be moved by Rick
Date for moving rock not yet set
Basalt to fill voids between boulders
Granit ⅝ minus to finish
Department of Ecology to visit between May 6-10
Exact time and date not set
South East Dock Project
Project at standstill
Welder needed to fix hole in aluminum
Keith has a lead on someone
If you have other leads please let the committee know
Lake Study
Informational study on carp in the lake
Too many carp?
Whitworth and Gonzaga environmental study programs contacted
Gonzaga responded
Date to be determined
Randy has a family contact who is a professional in this field
Agreed to be a resource
Plants are growing in study plot
No effect on turbidity yet
Discussion of previous visit from the Conservation District
Goal is a healthy lake
Sandy spoke in favor of lowering the lake
Dan mentioned that the valve needs work and may not close if opened
Fish Policy:  Motion to change catch limits
Trout catch limit will be three fish per day per lot
Bass is catch and release only
Barbless hooks required for catch and release
Fish caught on bait cannot be released
Motion made by Joe to adopt new policy
Seconded by Randy
Passed unanimously
Signage will be changed to reflect new policy
Visitor passes will have new policy printed on them
Port-o-Potty will be delivered
Cleaning monthly at first
Cleaned every two weeks when season picks up
Benches to be oiled
Weed Control
Under discussion
Sandy asked about boulders blocking turn around at turtle beach
Boulders placed on property line
Jeff offered update on dry hydrant
Paperwork submitted
Public notice to come
Dan shared a book about fire resistant plants

Firewise: Charlie Bennett
Conservation district has a cost share program
75% of project cost up to $7500
Projects must be preapproved

Road Committee: Keith Cox
Dan made motion to make Keith the chair of the committee
Seconded by Randy
Approved unanimously
Inspection of the road will be needed
Road sweeping will help inspection and reduce pothole formation
Road has been smoothed and potholes filled
Rick reported on the process
Question was raised about having an engineer look at the road
Estimate for full road fix was reported by Keith as $500k per mile

Election Committee: Rick Smith and Diana Kenworthy
Diana is the new committee chair
Identify open positions as Gary Long, Sandi Bennett and Joe Kokinda

Terry needed to leave for medical reasons
Russell drove Terry home
Five remaining board members still have a quorum

Motion to schedule election for Saturday July 27, 2024 made by Joe
Seconded by Jim
Passed unanimously

Ballots will identify who is running for board
Biographies of candidates to be on a separate sheet of paper
Optional photos
1 page ballot
Separate ballots for each lot to simplify counting of votes from owners of multiple lots
Suggestion box will be removed to prevent confusion with ballot box
Ballots may be mailed ahead of time or submitted in person at annual meeting
Updated list of owners was requested
Jerry will provide that list
Counting location is yet to be determined
Quiet, level work surface, and separate from meeting location
Counted by three people
westside member, eastside member, and an outsider
Information on election will be posted to RLCA Facebook page
Facebook administrators:
Joe, Sandy, Charlie, Jerry, Lucinda
Ballot printing will be preferably done by Mark Slicer
Election guidelines are posted and are the same as last year
Interested candidates should contact the election committee
Next meeting will be Friday April 5, 2024

Old Business
Email Policy
Discussion postponed

New Business
Merger update:
Merger with water board has been corrected.
The Reflection Water Association is active.
New legal documents on derivative and contempt filings need to be addressed
Must respond to documents by June 14, 2024
Board formed a legal committee:
Joe Kokinda, Terry Zoesch, and Jerry Parker
Sandy requested that the whole board handle legal issues
Discussion ensued
Named parties
Jim reported having found a new lawyer
Motion to hire counsel made by Jim
No second to the motion
Jerry reminded board of limited funds and that an assessment would be needed
$147k has already been spent on lawyers
Sandy introduced a motion to hire a manager (document to be submitted)
No second to the motion

Community Forum
Discussion centered on how to end the lawsuits
Implement the mediated agreement
Eastside responsible for water and road

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35
Audio recording failed at 8:07

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