Your groceries cost more, gas is going up, taxes are rising and your insurance rates are skyrocketing, but you have a choice as to whether to pay for a management company to run our association and lake.
Once we had a little community, we’re good people would do good things, what happened? Will we ever get back to the place we were five years ago? Will this madness ever go away?
My name is Dan Loos. I bought my lake plot in ‘93 and moved here in 2000. I have been involved with the community since the beginning. I have spent many years in some form serving this community. I served as secretary, vice president and president and now on the Construction, Maintenance and Dams committee as well as many years being on the board . Many of those years I have had the privilege to work with Jim Boothby as my mentor, friend and neighbor. Jim has always had the best interest in the community. This year Jim wanted the position of president to try to help us in our community by negotiating the problems of the lawsuits. He has battled this as best as he could. And now he is being attacked for doing the very thing that we wanted him to do and that is wrestling with the lawsuits. Until recently he had one entity who has continued to challenge the community and now there are others that want to take this community in another direction. It’s been said that not much has been done here to improve the community. Well the lawsuits have had much to do with that. It’s been said the water quality isn’t as good as it used to be, true. We are working on that. Hotter summers have a part in that. Many other things are or have been put on hold for money issues. We have however been complying with the DNR for their request to update our dams. We have improved Turtle beach , repairing docks, keeping our community clean and Firewise healthy and stocking fish. Many other behind the scenes work to improve our community have been accomplished. Some of this year’s projects include a draft site for fire departments to draw water, improve the north dam by adding more rock and to work with the DNR by surveying the dams. The community needs to be more active. I understand that this is not in some people’s DNA , Okay but what is being proposed will hit you in your wallet and for what because someone doesn’t like what someone else says or does. This problem we have here has gone beyond business and has gotten personal. Character assassination and false information needs to stop. We have to come together with ideas on how to solve this mess and not by hiring outside entities or attacking each other. You can bet that if we go the way of a “lake” management that my volunteerism would end. I will pay like everyone else and sit back and watch the “player’s “ influence the management . Thanks for your time and consider getting involved any way you can.
This is an addendum to the recent news that Jim Boothby has resigned. It’s shameful that was once a close community in our beliefs in taking a positive way forward is now diminished. Lots of pieces to pick up. You as a community have a big say in the direction. Talk of management or staying as we have been for 60 years a volunteer community.
Thank you Jim and Denice for your service.
Dan Loos