Jim Boothby
to [email protected]
Mr. Robert Lee
37621 N. Lakeside Drive
Elk, WA. 99009
Reflection Lake Community Association
37708 N. Sheets Road
Elk, WA. 99009
March 12, 2024
Dear Mr. Lee,
Through email and council, you have made a request to mediate perceived problems
with the Merger that dissolved the RWA into a committee, the lack of repairs on the
east side roads, the formation of the Election Committee for upcoming elections,
concern that the treasurer was directed to look into D & O insurance to cover challenges
directed at board members, and additionally you lodged a charge of failure to comply with
section B of the mediation (not following the bylaws to the letter).
As stated in the RLCA bylaw’s members have the right to regress any grievances. You
have an obligation at the very least to give the Board of Directors the particulars of an
allegation, complaint or objection to actions taken by the board or its members. Please
state in detail the claims raised against the association. It is time consuming and quite
expensive to mediate without a clear understanding of the allegations, keeping in mind
that information must be communicated to the association members as to why a legal
challenge is forthcoming.
RLCA board meeting are open for you to attend, all information is posted on line as
are the meeting minutes. You have asked members to strictly adhere to the bylaws.
The RLCA bylaws contain a grievance resolution procedure that is available to all
members before resorting to the threat of litigation.
I wait your reply,
Jim Boothby
RLCA President
From: Doom Hammer <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:25 AM
To: Jim Boothby <[email protected]>
Cc: William J. Schroeder <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: 2nd request for mediation agreement meeting.
Mr. Boothby thanks for your response. I am awaiting for a time to meet with you and the board please keep me updated regards rob lee
On Thu, Feb 22, 2024, 11:19 AM Jim Boothby <[email protected]> wrote:
Mr. Lee,
I must remind you that the RLCA is an all-volunteer member
owned and operated non-profit community organization. We
meet once a month to sort out problems that are detrimental
to the community. We do not operate at the speed of the
internet or cell phone. Decisions that affect possible future
expenditures are made by the entire group of Board of Directors.
We can and have called special meetings to discuss and address
lake issues vital to the health and well-being of our members.
For the Board to correctly address your complaints of Roads, Water
System usage and Bylaw infractions. please be specific as to your
perceived violations encountered. Only speaking for myself, I find
most issues can be resolved by addressing each issue as they arise.
You have not volunteered for many years. Your expertise could have
made a difference in several areas and that road is still open to you.
Nominations and elections will be shortly (June & July). The Bylaws
committee is in need of volunteers. I understand Mr. Moore and Mr.
Bennett have stepped away from the water system, so your help may
be greatly appreciated. The winter weather is almost done and spring
pothole repairs have been authorized; would you like to help out?
In December and January the board did not meet (weather prohibited).
You are welcome to attend our meetings held on the first Tuesday of
each month at 6pm in the Community Center.
Jim Boothby
RLCA President
From: Doom Hammer <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 9:17 AM
To: Reflection Lake <[email protected]>; Dinece and Dan Browne <[email protected]>; Randy & Diana Kenworthy <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Sandi Bennett <[email protected]>; Jerry Parker <[email protected]>; Jim Boothby <[email protected]>; William J. Schroeder <[email protected]>; Karen Long <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: 2nd request for mediation agreement meeting.
From: Doom Hammer <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Feb 22, 2024, 8:51 AM
Subject: 2nd request for mediation agreement meeting.
To: Reflection Lake <[email protected]>
Good morning this is Robert Lee. This is my second request for a mediation agreement meeting. I have not heard from the RLCA at all. I am suggesting that the RLCA board has not I repeat has not followed the mediation agreement. There are multiple issues from the roads to the water merger. There are budget issues covenants and bilaws not being followed. My next Step is go to the lawyer. I’m very willing and able to mediate or reinforce the courts decision on the mediation agreement your choice. I’m also informing the rlca some individuals may be personally liable for their actions. this is my final request before I take the next step. regards rob lee