2024-02-06 Board Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

February 6th, 2024 

Meeting called to order at 6pm. No objections to the meeting being recorded. 

Board members present: Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jerry Parker, Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Russ Bishop, Randy Kenworthy, Dinece Browne 


Secretary Minutes 

Motion to accept the minutes Russ Bishop and seconded by Gary Long. Motion passed by all 8 present approve. 

Treasurers Report by Jerry Parker (see addendum) 

CMD/Firewise Dan Loos and Jeff Toffer 

Feb. 27th at 6pm meeting 

  • Getting Firewise money for dumpsters and rocks at the north dam. May 4th and 5th for dumpsters. Community Clean up on Saturday May 4th. 
  • Ecology is coming out to inspect in May 2024 
  • Dry Hydrant has fitting but no pipe. This will be going in the Fall after final approvals from the county. 
  • CMD has $5000 for this year’s budget for Dams.

Joe Kokinda motions to give $1500 for the dams. Randy Kenworthy seconded all 8 approve.   

Jeff Toffer explains the dry hydrant must have updated the paperwork to Cory Smith with Spokane County. Other agencies also need to sign off on it. DNR will pay $2000 for the shoreline report, plus another $4000. Sending out an email to the community to see if they oppose the dry hydrant in the north end of the Lake.  

Bylaws Committee Dan Freas 

  • Will be meeting soon. The Bylaws committee following RCW of the state and needs Community Input.  

Community Action Committee Angela Ward  

  • Meeting on Feb 20th and get packets for new homeowners.  
  • Planning events for the new year. 
  • Community Cleanup on May 4th, details to follow.

The Banner Bank, Mr. Powers Appeal has been decided in favor of the RLCA.  

The merger was approved On November 15th,  the board wanted to have the documents for members to see prior to submission. Someone submitted the Merger without the Boards knowledge. Sandi Bennett said the Merger Just went through. Gary Long said we have done a lot of fact finding. We wanted to have the community input before it was finalized. Jerry Parker called the SOS for merger information. November 9th and an Attorney from Deer Park sent in the Merger Application fee. SOS received a call from Jim Boothby to put the merger on hold as of August 5th ,  2023.  It was called a reject from the SOS.  

Seven board Members signed an affidavit that they did not know about the merger being sent. RCW states the surviving entity will submit the merger. Charlie Bennett read the Board meeting minutes of July 2023 that states the merger will be going through in a couple of weeks.  SOS filing fee for annual report was $40 paid by the water association in November 2023 in case the merger did not go through.  

Jerry Parker: Articles of Merger (See addendum on Website) 

Jim Boothby: The board may make a Motion to rescind or proceed with the merger. This will be discussed at a special meeting of the Board. 

New Business 

Set of Priorities with water committee Jim Boothby 

  • RLCA formation and responsibilities of the Water Committee. 
  • Assign File drawer in office to hold: 
  • All insurance documents and policies. 
  • Water Operator contract, Certification, 1099. 
  • IRS tax records and related information. 
  • Manuel (binder) on the operation of the water system. 
  • System map and valve locations. 
  • System inventory. 
  • Current and Previous operating budget (2023-2024). 
  • Bank statements 23-24. 
  • Treasurers report. 
  • Duplicate Keys and mailbox key. 
  • Minutes for current and past RWA/Committee meetings. 
  • Current list of people/lots hooked up to the water system. 
  • Copy of bank account information (Merger article VI). RLCA Member will be listed on the bank account. There will be no commingling of bank accounts. 
  • Vendor list and contact information. Danielle Cox has an updated vendor list. 
  • Name and contact number of committee members. We need an emergency contact list. 

ASAP / March 5th 

Present checkbook, register, and signer list for review to the RLCA President. 

Make a printed policy that covers the responsibilities of water committee members. 

Make a report document for use at the RLCA meeting / Annual Meeting. Make an operational guide for the water system to cover normal and emergency use. 

The Insurance company needs to be updated by the Current RLCA Board must sign new paperwork.  

Currently the water system is running the best in years. Stated by Robert Syverson   


Discussion on the collecting water systems 62K which is held by a member. Attempts will be made for the money by an attorney.  

Jerry Parker has a treasury binder of all the bank account statements and receipts for the RLCA that is open to all members for viewing. 

Open Forum 

Robert Syverson and Keith Cox asked the question “when will the potholes on Sheets Rd. going to be repaired? Jim Boothby said the roads will be discussed in March Board Meeting 

Dan Loos   Everyone pick up your Dog Poop 

Motion to adjourn the meeting By Sandi Bennett at 7:50pm all 8 present in favor of adjourning. 

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