2023-11-11 President’s Message

Dear RLCA Members,

Another long 2 plus hour meeting in November but worth it.
We are coming together as a community, with more people
volunteering to help. There are several things to report from
the November meeting.

  • Jeff Toffer, has taken the helm of “Firewise” and is working
    through 7 different state agencies to get the new Dry Hydrant
    approved and installed this spring/summer. If he can succeed
    Your insurance rate will drop and your house may survive a fire.
  • Merger: meetings and motions were held on 10-3/10-13/10-25
    and 11-7 to stop, more forward, and or post for comment and a
    vote in Water Associations bid to become a committee of the RLCA.
    This time around the members will be able to read on line the proposed
    Merger Documents and a contract written for the RWA to allow mutual
    cooperation should they remain an association.
  • Lawsuits: The 2020 election suit will be decided on December 4th, the
    Lake “Realignment of Owners” suit is still on hold.
  • Bylaws Committee: Met on November 11th and elected Terry Zoesch and
    Dan Freis as co-chairs and Jerry Parker as Secretary. This committee is the
    one to attend and is open to the members.
  • My pet project is the new Email Policy. We ran out of time at the November
    meeting and it will be on the March agenda. I will post it on reflectionlake.net
    for a read and comment period.
  • Next Board of Directors regular meeting will be held in February or March 2024,
    Emergency meetings are held when needed.

Welcome new members to the lake community and we are sad to see some members
have left us involuntarily. As of today, there are 7 homes for sale at the lake and soon a
new crop of trout fishing enthusiasts will be among us.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year is a fun time of year at the lake if you are
ready for the weather, power outages, ice and heavy snow. If you see a neighbor in distress
stop and help or call someone, we are a caring community.

Jim Boothby
RLCA President

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