Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 1, 2023
Call to Order was Joe Kokinda at 6:00 PM at Community Center
Board Members Present: Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Randy Kenworthy, Jerry Parker, Dinece Browne
First order of business was to elect the new Executive Board
Jim Boothby was elected as President.
Gary Long was elected as Vice President.
Jerry Parker was elected Treasurer.
Dinece Browne was elected as Secretary.
Jim Boothby discussed the goals for the RLCA board for the 23-24 year.
Motion was made to accept the July 2023 Board meeting minutes by Joe Kokinda. Sandi Bennett Seconded. See addendum. All nine approved
There was not a report from the new Vice President
Jim as outgoing Treasurer discussed July 2023 expenses for the month. See addendum.
Reports from Committees:
Dan Loos reported for the CMD committee: The County contacted the Lake regarding noxious weeds. Discussed for the next year regarding spaying the roads. A Spokane County inspector will come out and educate the community on noxious weed control. Jim Boothby: Dan Loos have your committee get together with a plan and recommendation. Water will be tested for the summer. Dan said we will bring the sample to Anatech. Fish and Game is invited to the lake when we get the permit for the fish and talk about water quality. The wood RL sign needs painted. Plant pen is starting to grow.
Angela Ward reported about upcoming events For the Social Committee. Jaws will be the movie played to the community on August 5th, 2023, at 8:30pm at Eagle Beach. More events to follow in the coming months.
Gary Long reported about security and community using Eagle beach needs to make sure the gate is closed. Dirt bikes are also driving too fast on our roads. Talked about keys and control of them.
RWA Water System
Charlie Bennett: The water system is fabulous, cleaned the chlorinator filter. Switched to professional grade chlorine. Boothby: Are there any problems in the system maintaining pressure. Charlie Bennett: There have been some pressure delays. The pumps were turned off and restarted. Caused by the chlorinator coil. It has been proposed to have Reuel do a bypass in the line to switch out the chlorinator and water line. The water system will not need to be shut down to change out the chlorinator filter coil. Considering buying a communication system for $3000. This system will be too able to alert the water users about the loss of pressure. You will get an instant alert to take care of in the moment. We would like to put in meters and charge accordingly. Possibly get ones that are curb readers, where you just drive down the street and read. We are working on getting an electric generator.
Joe Kokinda gave a legal update. Still waiting for the appellate court to make a ruling of oral agreement or whether courts are going to hand down decision. If we have oral arguments, we may need to spend on legal fees. All legal fees have been going towards the appeal.
Merger Discussion
RLCA/RWA Merger was sent to Secretary of State. Still waiting to read the final document. Joe Kokinda: All paperwork has been filed with the secretary of state and we are waiting for approval of the merger from the Secretary of State. The Merger document has been signed with all the parties’ signatures. RWA board and six of the RLCA board signed. Charlie Bennett: Lawyer explained it well and a consent to merge was signed by both boards. Filed with secretary of state and when they finalize that a new draft of the final agreement will be presented.
Sandi Bennett: This is the first time there has been an indemnification agreement. RWA is responsible for all costs.
Open Forum
My name is Rob Lee and I want to go on record as the Plaintiff into the minutes. Information added and I am filing a dispute 3C 1 and 3 of the mediated agreement. The state Merger documents need to be rescinded immediately. I will meet with the board and talk to figure this out and where this is. This happened really quick, no one in the community has seen the document and agreements. Board members signed in good faith that the people in the water association would change the verbiage and things like that in their contract. Mediate agreement is not being followed.
Keith Cox talked about budget and getting fish in the lake for a fall. GoFundMe is still open to donating.
Painting the Community Center in Mid-September.
New Business
The county needs to be phoned re: abandoned property. B7 L39-40
Meeting adjourned at Joe Kokinda motioned to adjourn at 7:37 pm and Sandi Bennett Seconded. All nine approved to adjourn.
Dinece Browne