Refleciton Lake Board of Director’s Meeting
June 6th, 2023
Present: Joe Kokinda, Robert Syverson, Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Jim Boothby
Not Present: Sandi Bennett, Joe Dickinson
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM
- Call to order—meeting recorded by audio only—no objections
- Taking a minute to Recognize D Day
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Jeff Toffer moves to accept minutes of previous meeting, Gary seconds, all vote to unanimously accept minutes of May Meeting.
- Reports of Officers
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Thank you again for the Bartholomews for the work and donation of gravel for refilling potholes
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
- Report of Treasurer: See addendum
- Need to change accounts due to unauthorized withdrawal of $3000 plus dollars from a Discover card that the community doesn’t own. The money will be returned to us
- We now have an overwatch on our account and will be adapting special safeguards to prevent this from happening again
- Rick Smith has loaned us funds while the account was frozen and loaned us funds to pay legal fees.
- Checking the costs of a collection agent
- Jim Boothby, Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer are currently the only signers on the account
- Lawsuits still preventing additional coverage (D&O and community center coverage)
- Need to change accounts due to unauthorized withdrawal of $3000 plus dollars from a Discover card that the community doesn’t own. The money will be returned to us
- 2023-2024 Budget— final review of line items in July at annual meeting
- Discussion follows
- 2023-2024 Dues—
- Jim Boothby motions that dues be set at $300 per lot and a line item created for $20,000 legal fees/reserve account rebuild, Terry Zoesch seconds—all are in favor
- Report of Treasurer: See addendum
- Report of Secretary—unavailable as Sandi is ill
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dam—Dan Loos, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long
- Private donations were used to fix the valve—sadly, someone emailed the diver and told him if he fixed the valve he would be open to being sued—this is a blatant act of sabotage and blackmail of the community
- Plant pen to be possibly put together the week of June 12
- Planning to paint the interior of community center—Danielle Cox will be heading that up
- Kudos to all the people that helped with the install of Turtle Beach dock
- Go fund me for fish to be applied to next year
- Thanks to Wayne and Jerry for fixing the community center fence
- Instead of using Roundup—mix vinegar, Epson salt
- Firewise—
- Firewise will be paying their grant at soon and the clean up went really well at our community with lots of community volunteers.
- Hilary Franz will help get the county moving on our dry hydrant permit approval
- Possibly money in the Firewise budget to have dumpsters in the fall.
- Community Relations—Joe for Sandi
- The yard sale is coming up 16,17,18th. Any donations please bring to Bennett’s. Last year we raised $4000. These funds will not go toward the lawsuit
- Security- Gary Long
- Please have your guests use your guest passes
- Five fish per lot is the rule and only one bass
- Thanks for picking up after your pets
- Quiet time starts at 10 pm
- Please try not to walk on the rocks on the dam
- Artificial swans were damaged and released from Bald Eagle Beach (it’s really too bad as they do help keep the geese of the beach and dock) and additionally kayak was purposely released into the lake
- No fireworks allowed at the lake per lake rules and county ordinance
- Keep the gate at Bald Eagle Beach locked to prevent trespassers
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dam—Dan Loos, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long
- Unfinished Business
- Legal Update
- Waiting on the Powers appeal to happen late summer, early fall
- Lee/Powers/Bishop et al. lawsuit is stayed at the time
- RLCA/RWA Merger update
- Had the special meeting on the May 13th
- Results are at the RWA lawyer’s office and he is looking over all the documents to affirm the passage of the merger
- The bylaws amendment has not passed currently as it requires a passage of the majority of the membership—voting period could be extended legally (regardless if the merger goes through a management contract will be drawn up)
- Legal Update
- New Business–none
- Open Forum
- Wayne brought up possible concerns by West side wondering if they could be liable for the water system of the eastside
- Water system has $2 Million dollars of liability and additionally terrorism insurance and Water operator has $5 Million dollars.
- Jim Boothby says that 1.8 in the Convenants says the association assumes no responsibility for the furnishing of any domestic water…in any lot and it is reinforced in the bylaws.
- Keith says there are 7 boats at Turtle Beach that have not moved, wondering who they belong too? Do they still live here, would like to contact them to see if they are still here?
- He will work with the Kenworthy’s
- Gary brought up the recognition awards that were given yearly—maybe start that back up?
- It will be looked into at a later date
- Perhaps recognition at the annual meeting?
- Wayne brought up possible concerns by West side wondering if they could be liable for the water system of the eastside
- Adjournment
- Robert Syverson motions for adjournment and Jeff Toffer seconds—All are in favor or adjournment and meeting is adjourned at 8:12