2023-05-02 Board Meeting Minutes

Reflection Lake Community Association

Board of Director’s Meeting

May 2nd, 2023 begins at 6 PM

Present: Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Sandi Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Jim Boothby, Robert Syverson, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Joe Dickinson

  1. Call to order—meeting recorded (audio only)—no objections
  2. Minutes of previous meeting—Sandi Bennett
    1. Gary Long moves to approve minutes, Jeff Toffer seconds and all are in favor
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
      1. Thank you to the Bartholomews for filling in the pot holes on Sheets Rd
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
      1. See addendum
      2. Budget for 2023-2024—have until May 15th to turn in budgets for committees to Jim Boothby
        1. Will set dues for 2023-2024 in June
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Please update emergency contact and pet and children emergency placement
  4. Reports of Standing Committee
    1. CMD—Dan Loos
      1. Rebuilt the dock at Bald Eagle
      2. Have the dock ready to be installed at Turtle Beach—minor deck repair needed still
      3. Camera was put on Valve on South end to determine work that needs done—screws need to be loosened by diver to repair pipe that is bent
        1. John Fechner thinks the pipe replacement would be $40
      4. Lake pen for plants is in the planning process
      5. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped—our community is great because of our volunteers
      6. By June the rock will be lined up for the south dam
      7. Still need to do a survey by next year required by the Dept of Ecology
    2. Firewise—Jeff Toffer
      1. DNR is coming to our rescue
        1. Two dumpsters coming on Thursday—one green and one garbage—hopefully will be able to be replaced if filled
        2. They will also be providing funds for the rock on the south dam that the state requires
        3. Clean up day on May 6th at 9 a.m.
        4. Media event in Mid-May possibly the 18th—will get back to us
        5. NFPA Megan Fitzgerald wants to come help for Clean Up Day
    3. Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
      1. Shelley Barcklay has passed away
    4. Security—Gary Long
      1. Try to slow down our speeders—portable speed bumps?
      2. New signs put on spillway on south dam
  5. Unfinished Business
    1. Legal update
      1. No movement on the appeal since last meeting
    2. Election Committee
      1. Has met on April 18th and April 26th
      2. Discussion about the guidelines/policy

1.Russ Bishop interrupted discussion to force a motion to accept election guidelines as submitted, Terry Zoesch seconded

        1. Motion passes—Joe Kokinda, Robert Syverson, Sandi Bennett and Joe Dickinson oppose with Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop, Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer approving
      1. Motion by Gary Long to allow absentee, proxy, or in person vote following the RCW and bylaws and Jim Boothby seconded—all are in favor and motion passes
    1. RLCA/Merger—Special Meeting 5/13/2023—polls will close at 2:00
      1. Notices and ballots and bylaws amendments have gone out
      2. Liability Insurance has been found for RWA $1700 a year for $2 million
  1. New Business
    1. Annual Meeting Date—Robert Syverson motions July 22nd for a date for annual meeting and Gary Long seconds—all in favor and motion passes
  2. Open Forum
    1. Reminder about the yard sale on June 16th, 17th, and 18th—please drop donations off at the Bennett’s—no yard sale funds will go to legal funds
    2. David brought up might want to amend for email votes but Lucinda says not until next year—the guidelines were accepted as written
    3. Jim Boothby wants people on notice that funding will be cut off at $5000 in order to pay fixed bills and then the board will have to meet and decide what to do about the budget shortage
    4. Plaques for community award and Steve Hutchison’s plaque has been put back on the wall
    5. Items have been pilfered from Steve’s property that were contracted to the next owner—please return those items to Steve. No trespassing on Steve’s property
  3. Adjournment—Terry and Robert all in favor and meeting is adjourned at 7:50


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