Board of Director’s Meeting
March 7, 2023—Meeting began at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Sandra Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Robert Syverson, Jeff Toffer, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Joe Dickinson, Jim Boothby, Gary Long
Call to order: Meeting recorded audio only
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Gary Long moves to approve and Jeff Toffer seconds
Terry abstains and all others are in favor of approval of minutes
Reports of Officers
Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
Potholes on Sheets will be filled once the possibility of more snow is over
Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
See addendum
Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
Requesting Emergency Contact, and where Pets and Children go in case of emergency—Please put information on Refrigerator or another easy to see location for emergency responders. Please send to me, so it is available to the first responders as necessary.
Reports of Standing Committees
Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dans Loos
Talked about the following things at the CMD Committee meeting
Talked about the many grants available to the community once the lawsuits are over
Moving the docks to turtle beach and fishing area north of Bald Eagle Beach—may need donations for materials
Tried to contact the company and diver to find out what is necessary to fix the valve at the south dam
Talked about plants in lake to help with aeration and water quality, Wayne brought up perhaps freshwater mussels? Anything will have to be approved by the appropriate state agency
Fence on Lot 1
Two porta potties only, Community center and Bald Eagle Beach
Survey of dams—talked to Landtec and gave them the information the state needs.
The rock the state requires on the south dam will be paid for with Firewise money with their approval
Jeff Toffer will call the county about the depression in the road on the north dam.
Signs was on the agenda, but Denise was not present
Paint in the community center will be donated by the Cox. Will bring samples to the board for approval
Rick and Adam Hayes have been doing a great job of snow removal and plowing. Thank you!!
Donations will possibly needed due to lack of funds because of the Appeals lawsuit
Weed control will be maintained by Randy and Diana Kenworthy on the beaches and also that cattails are good for the water quality. We will try to control the weeds on the dams by cutting and pulling them out
Removal of trees near Bald Eagle before clean up day to be put the branches in dumpsters or burnt by Rick Hayes
Also need Rick to help put the Bald Eagle Beach dock back when the ice clears
David Vandermeer built a mesh screen in front of the outflow on the North dam and it worked really well in preventing blockages
Need volunteers to monitor outflow gates to keep them clean
Any additional mailbox kiosk should be paid for by the members that use them
Firewise will become part of the CMD committee
Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
Community has lost Jeannie Keehn and Glenn Grant
Meeting coming up later in the month
If you would like to donate meals to a community member that is ill, please let me know
Firewise—Jeff Toffer
Dumpsters for Clean-Up day on May 6th
Firewise grant is for $4500- ($3000 for dumpsters and $1500 for rock on south dam)
Crew is available for cleaning up the community (brush control and tree)
Can schedule wood chipper free of charge
Sandi Bennett motions to start a donation for fish and Robert Syverson Seconds—All are in favor
Please send any donations to the RLCA and specify for fish
Security—Gary Long
No security issues
Need people to volunteer their time to help make rounds around the lake
Gary Long motions we take golf cart to be serviced, Sandi Bennett seconds. 6-1 for in favor servicing
Legal update
Powers reached out to the Mediator for a walkaway offer, we reached back with an offer. That offer has been rescinded due to some development. Unfortunately, a lot of money is still being spent on the lawsuits, mainly the appeal that Powers has filed
Topic of doing a special assessment to pay legal bills was brought up—this is not an option at this time, but in June or July the regular dues amount, plus perhaps an small additional amount to start refilling the reserve account over a number of years will be set for the 2023-2024 year per the bylaws when the budget is set.
There have been complaints about community members having chickens. There are no chickens, fowl or livestock allowed in the plat according to the bylaws and covenants.
Bylaws committee
Volunteers for the committee—Sandi Bennett and Jeff Toffer will chair
Need to set policies as well
Special meeting is on March 18th and voting closes at 1:00 PM—Committee run under the RLCA
Policies would be put in place
No definitive information yet on audit from Terry Zoesch— the board will continue to look into it.
New Business
Budget requirements from the committee chairs—April budget process started
Need department budgets by the April meeting by the committee chairs
Election Committee
Election committee to be created
Also, need to set election policy
Open Forum
The Cox’s want to put a trash can at Turtle Beach and they will be responsible for it—this is okayed by everyone as long as they will be responsible for it.
Robert Syverson wants the community to know the RLCA board is transparent about everything except for legal strategy. It is the board’s responsibility to defend the lawsuits. If you have a question, please ask. The board goes above and beyond with community involvement.
Sandi Bennett moves to adjourn and Terry Zoesch seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8:06