Board of Director’s Meeting
February 7, 2023
Present: Gary Long, Jim Boothby, Sandra Bennett, Joe Kokinda, Jeff Toffer, Russell Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop—Not Present: Robert Syverson
- Call the meeting to order— recording of audio only
- Minutes of the previous meeting: Jeff motions to accept the minutes, Gary Long seconded. All vote to approve
- Reports of Officers
- Report of Vice-President: Robert Syverson
- Nothing to report
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
- See addendum
- Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
- Nothing to report
- Report of Vice-President: Robert Syverson
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Conservation, Maintenance, Dams—Dan Loos
- In the fall a diver was hired to look at valve on south dam—valve is jammed against the frame and that is keeping it from closing all the way
- CMD Meeting on the 28th to talk details
- Goals for this year are
- Finish rock on dam this year per state
- State wants a survey of both dams
- Turtle beach dock and another dock at SE Access further down
- Repair Bald Eagle dock
- In the fall a diver was hired to look at valve on south dam—valve is jammed against the frame and that is keeping it from closing all the way
- Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
- Caroling in December was a lot of fun! Thanks to Angie and Kent
- Firewise—Charlie Bennett
- Need someone on the board to help run and take over Firewise duties
- Jeff Toffer was asked and said yes
- May 6th—Sandi Bennett motions that we make May 6th the RLCA clean-up day and Jeff Toffer seconds and all approves
- Need someone on the board to help run and take over Firewise duties
- Security—Gary Long
- Nothing to report
- Legal Update
- Jim Powers has filed his appeal and we have filed our response with the courts
- New Business
- Change Board of Director’s Meeting Day
- Will remain Tuesday
- Discussion and vote on the future of the RWA
- Sandi Bennett makes a motion pending an approval of the eastside members to propose that the RWA be made a committee under the RLCA and the RWA corporation would be acquired thus dissolved as a corporation yet money would be kept separate. Joe Dickinson seconds, And all vote to approve and Russ Bishop abstains.
- Change Board of Director’s Meeting Day
- Open Forum
- Terry Zoesch motions to look into the costs of a financial audit for both RWA and RLCA bank accounts from 2020 on. Sandi Bennett seconds this motion. And all are in favor.
- Bob Hovaten plaque is given to the RLCA from Barbara Wilson
- Adjournment
- Gary Long motions to adjourn, Jeff Toffer seconds and all are in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:33
- Conservation, Maintenance, Dams—Dan Loos