Reflection Lake Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Present Joe Kokinda, Robert Syverson, Joe Dickinson, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Terry Zoesch, Russ Bishop, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett
September 6, 2022
- Call the meeting to order—meeting recorded by audio only
- Board Vacancy—
- Charlie Bennett has resigned the RLCA Board
- Terry Zoesch is the next alternate
- Terry is nominated and agrees to be a new board member
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Sandi—any errors or omissions on August meeting minutes
- Gary Long moves to approve and Jeff Toffer seconds. Minutes are unanimously approved
- Sandi—any errors or omissions on August meeting minutes
- Reports of Officers
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Nothing at this time
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
- Jim will stay on until we have more information from Franklin Accounting about taking over the bookkeeping or until another board member can take over the responsibility. Also looking into an assistant Treasurer or bookkeeper to lessen the work load.
- Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
- Nothing at this time
- Report of Vice-President—Robert Syverson
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dan Loos
- Porta potties picked up next week except for Community Center
- Big John sprayed weeds on North Dam and Rick Hayes picked up the piles at no charge
- Discussed building a staircase to south valve—asking for donated materials are available by the community
- Survey—bids for North and South Dam and spillway surveys required by the Department of Ecology
- Researching aerators to add oxygen to North end of the lake—project for down the road
- New podium donated by Dan Loos—thank you
- Repair the awning on Community Center—have the donated materials
- Denise—doing experiments with plants in the lake and Dave is doing the same for plants located out of the lake
- Dan wants to put pens in the lake to promote plant growth and see how they work
- Turtle Beach dock replacement discussed—Charlie Bennett will contact the county once the dock is decided on
- Kenworthy’s pulled weeds at Bings—thank you
- Bald Eagle Beach dock listing—need a float fixed
- Will pull the docks out for winter—Rick Hayes will do this for no charge
- Four hazard trees going down to Bald Eagle—Rick Hayes will do that for $550
- We will table the discussion until October so the board can take a look at the trees
- Denise is looking at sign replacements for faded and illegible signs at Turtle Beach, South Dam and entrance to Bald Eagle beach
- Jeff Toffer bought an underwater camera and light to look at the valve
- Community Relations—Sandi Bennett
- Apologize—we have had no meetings since I have a work conflict for Tuesday nights—will be changing meeting times to Wednesday
- Next on the agenda is road clean-up day for Milan-Elk and Halloween Party
- Apologize—we have had no meetings since I have a work conflict for Tuesday nights—will be changing meeting times to Wednesday
- Firewise—Charlie
- New grants available to the community
- County has been too busy to get on the permit for draft site but still working on it
- Security—Gary Long
- Speeding is an issue around the lake
- Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dan Loos
- Unfinished business
- Bylaw amendment question
- At the annual meeting, several amendments proposed but only one was passed by the membership.
- Proxy ballots expired at the annual meeting so any votes procured after the annual meeting do not count.
- Amendments can go to the Bylaws committee and be decided on in committee
- At the annual meeting, several amendments proposed but only one was passed by the membership.
- Legal Update
- Went to Mediation on Aug 26th, made progress and the lawyers are still dealing with the situation. Working with the current RWA to get some agreement going.
- Bylaw amendment question
- New Business—none
- Open Forum—none
- Adjournment—Robert Syverson moves to adjourn and Terry Zoesch seconds. It’s unanimously approved.
- Adjournment at 7:50