Reflection Lake Community Association Board Meeting—July 5, 2022
Present—Joe Kokinda, Joe Dickinson, Bill Pease, Jim Boothby, Jeff Toffer, Gary Long, Sandi Bennett, Robert Syverson—not present, Charlie Bennett
1. Call to Order—meeting is called to order at 6:00 by Joe Kokinda, acting President while Charlie Bennett, due to health reasons, will be out for at least a month, but is running for the board
a. Meeting is recorded audio only
b. Sandi Bennett asks if there are errors or omissions in June Minutes. Robert Syverson moves to approve minutes, and Gary Long seconds—all unanimously approved
2. Reports of Officers
a. Report of Vice-President: Joe Kokinda-nothing
b. Report of Treasurer: Jim Boothby—see addendum
b.i. Sandi Bennett moves to approve proposed budget and Gary Long seconds and proposed budget passes unanimously
c. Report of Secretary: Sandi Bennett
c.i. Please get me your current email and mailing address if you have not done so already
3. Report of Standing Committees
a. Conservation, Maintenance and Dams—Dan
a.i. Rock for dam will be ordered
a.ii. Wish list—complete armoring of dam, survey of both dams, turtle beach dock replacement, fish hatchery stabilization of roof, repairing the beached dock at the Bald Eagle and making a new fishing area, lake aeration, Bald Eagle beach parking extension, community center repair, rules signs, no fishing signs
a.ii.1. Abram has concerns about lowering the lake because of downstream erosion
a.ii.2. Fechner states that we should get the valve worked on as the pipe is under pressure. Gary states that Ecology says our pipe for that depth is ok and of no danger.
b. Community Relations—Sandi
b.i. Yard sale huge success-raised of $4,000. The bake and boat sale both raised a little over $1000 each and the rest were donated goods. We had about 15 people donate goods for the yard sale—just think what we could raise if we had 50 people donate! We still have some higher ticket items that we will try to sell on the neighborhood sale sites so there still should be more money coming into the community
b.ii. At the Community Relations committee—mainly talked about the upcoming annual meeting—music by Vince, and still need people to bring bean and salad dishes and Kokinda’s are donating the meat dishes
b.iii. Kayaking has also resumed on M-W-F at 9:00 a.m. now that the weather has warmed up. Any events for the calendar or any ideas for community events please let me know.
c. Firewise—Sandi reading for Charlie Bennett
c.i. Our Firewise 2022 projects came to an end on June 15 and once again it was bigger than the last. We received $7000 in grants and we put it all to good use. Our clean up day on Saturday, May 7 coincided with Wildfire Preparedness day and was well attended with about 35 members and 5 firefighters from Fire District 4. All donated their time and energy in mass for clean up our lake. This included cutting, hauling, loading, burning, thinning, and raking of what the DNR likes to call fuel.
c.ii. Thank you to the members who celebrated Independence Day without fireworks. While this year was unusually wet, last year was unusually dry and we have rules and the county has rules, not because they don’t believe in independence but because they know wildfires are becoming much more common and 90% are human-caused! All the dogs that live at the lake also thank you.
c.iii. Our fire hydrant and the permits for it have been purchased and we intend to get the project finished this year. This spring a tree fell from the greenbelt and crushed a member’s fence. We cut the tree from the yard and removed all the debris, but it is up to RLCA to replace the portion of fence that was damaged.
c.iv. Once again, I am asking for your hours that you have spent on fire preparedness, which includes tree thinning, pruning, any removal of fire debris, raking, burning and hauling etc. This includes whether it is for yourself or your neighbors. Remember wildfires do not discriminate or stop at property lines. We are all in this together. It is not a matter of if a wildfire will come to our community, it is when.
c.v. We do need to get the member’s fence fixed—Dan will take a look at it and see what it entails
d. Security—Gary
d.i. Appreciation for those that did not shoot fireworks at the lake
d.ii. Also, someone put a sign up on the bulletin board about peeping toms in our neighborhood and then the sign was taken down. If this is happening, call the police!
4. Unfinished business—nothing
5. New Business–
a. Jim Boothby–
a.i. Newsletter separate or together with election? Decision is to be sent separate
a.ii. Jim Boothby wants a vote up or down that his proposed Bylaw amendments be added to the mailing for the annual meeting to be voted on?
a.ii.1. Gary says no, Sandi no, Jeff yes, Joe K. yes, Bill Yes, Joe D. yes, Jim yes, Robert abstained—it is passed
6. Open Forum—
a. Jim Markley wanted an opinion on whether the lawsuit is over or not—the board replied that according to the mediation agreement the lawsuit is stayed until an agreement with the RWA is comes into effect
b. Abram Cosby questions the remediation that the judge ordered—our understanding is that once the Power’s check clears then the order from the judge will go into writing-we have not seen that order yet. Mr. Markley states that we have supposedly broken the bylaws 16 times, so a date for mediation will be set.
c. Jim Markley also has an issue with lack of resolutions from the board and all previous boards
d. The emails that are cc’d to the 89 or so people in the community are not from the board! If a response is necessary to one of these cc’d emails, it will be sent from the official RLCA email address where it will be BCC’d. Hopefully this will help eliminate the email attacks.
e. Donna Mack would like to thank the volunteers that give their time—Step up as a community and volunteer for committees and board positions and if you think you can do a good job then volunteer and if you don’t want to volunteer then appreciate what you have.
f. Kerry Wilson appreciates all the help that she has received from the board members on her cleanup of her lot.
g. Dan Loos appreciates the Bennett’s for Firewise, pumping energy into the social committee and putting in a lot of hours. He appreciates the Bennett’s and the rest of the board for all we do. If you are sitting in the audience and voicing concerns then be willing to sit on the board side and participate in the community and share the burden.
7. Adjournment—Sandi Bennett motions to adjourn, Robert Syversons seconds and it’s unanimous
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:33