Community Association
RLCA Board of Director’s Meeting: May 3rd, 2022
Present: Charlie Bennett, Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer, Bill Pease, Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Robert Syverson, Gary Long, Jim Boothby
- Call to order—Meeting Recorded (audio only)( will now ask going forward if anyone objects to audio recording)
- Minutes of previous meeting—Jeff Toffer moves to approve minutes and Bill Pease seconds
- Reports Of Officers
- Report of Vice-President—
- Joe makes a motion to disallow any recordings (audio or video) and if anyone objects then meetings will not be recorded, audio/video one or the other or both. It is a two-party consent state. Jim Boothby seconds—all unanimous
- Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby—See addendum
- Need the committee chairs to give him their individual budgets
- Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
- Nice to see our new members—Connor and Elise/Keith and Danielle
- Committee Chairs please get your reports for the board meetings to me before the meetings, or at the very least in the next week following the meeting
- Thanks to all that showed up at the first event on the calendar
- Kayaking on the lake starts tomorrow at 9 a.m.
- Report of Vice-President—
- Reports of Standing Committees
- CMD—Dan Loos
- Building a platform surrounding the valve to make the valve area safer—need treated lumber—if anyone can donate
- Balance of trout and carp—think it is good right now
- Other porta-potties delivered on May 10th (Bing’s, Bishop’s and Bald Eagle)
- Cox’s have paint to donate to paint the community center—thank you
- Bennett’s have metal siding to donate for the roof of the entry way of community center
- Dinece Brown speaking of about a new committee (Lake Quality Committee)
- Plants to filter, provide food for fish and help with clarity of lake? Will do research
- No need to form a separate committee and just let them do the research and present at the CMD
- Community Relations—Diana Kenworthy
- 8 boats for sale to be sold at the Bennett’s house on June 16th from 5:00-7:00 presale then any left sold at the yard sale
- Clean up Day—May 7th at 9 a.m. with BBQ to follow
- Calendar is also on the website
- Roads Committee—Robert Syverson
- Potholes
- Speed limit signs—need posts
- Security Committee—Gary Long
- Community effort
- Need volunteers to help with rounds, especially on weekends
- Firewise Committee-Charlie Bennett—see addendum
- CMD—Dan Loos
- Unfinished Business—None
- New Business—None
- Gary Long makes a motion to approve $300 for the platform that surrounds the valve on the south side of the lake, Sandi Bennett seconds and all are in favor
- Open Forum
- Adjournment—meeting adjourned at 7:30