2022-05-03 Board Meeting Minutes


Community Association

RLCA Board of Director’s Meeting: May 3rd, 2022

Present: Charlie Bennett, Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer, Bill Pease, Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Robert Syverson, Gary Long, Jim Boothby

  1. Call to order—Meeting Recorded (audio only)( will now ask going forward if anyone objects to audio recording)
  2. Minutes of previous meeting—Jeff Toffer moves to approve minutes and Bill Pease seconds
  3. Reports Of Officers
    1. Report of Vice-President—
      1. Joe makes a motion to disallow any recordings (audio or video) and if anyone objects then meetings will not be recorded, audio/video one or the other or both. It is a two-party consent state. Jim Boothby seconds—all unanimous
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby—See addendum
      1. Need the committee chairs to give him their individual budgets
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Nice to see our new members—Connor and Elise/Keith and Danielle
      2. Committee Chairs please get your reports for the board meetings to me before the meetings, or at the very least in the next week following the meeting
      3. Thanks to all that showed up at the first event on the calendar
      4. Kayaking on the lake starts tomorrow at 9 a.m.
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. CMD—Dan Loos
      1. Building a platform surrounding the valve to make the valve area safer—need treated lumber—if anyone can donate
      2. Balance of trout and carp—think it is good right now
      3. Other porta-potties delivered on May 10th (Bing’s, Bishop’s and Bald Eagle)
      4. Cox’s have paint to donate to paint the community center—thank you
      5. Bennett’s have metal siding to donate for the roof of the entry way of community center
      6. Dinece Brown speaking of about a new committee (Lake Quality Committee)
        1. Plants to filter, provide food for fish and help with clarity of lake? Will do research
        2. No need to form a separate committee and just let them do the research and present at the CMD
    2. Community Relations—Diana Kenworthy
      1. 8 boats for sale to be sold at the Bennett’s house on June 16th from 5:00-7:00 presale then any left sold at the yard sale
      2. Clean up Day—May 7th at 9 a.m. with BBQ to follow
      3. Calendar is also on the website
    3. Roads Committee—Robert Syverson
      1. Potholes
      2. Speed limit signs—need posts
    4. Security Committee—Gary Long
      1. Community effort
      2. Need volunteers to help with rounds, especially on weekends
    5. Firewise Committee-Charlie Bennett—see addendum
  5. Unfinished Business—None
  6. New Business—None
    1. Gary Long makes a motion to approve $300 for the platform that surrounds the valve on the south side of the lake, Sandi Bennett seconds and all are in favor
  7. Open Forum
  8. Adjournment—meeting adjourned at 7:30
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