2022-04-05 Board Meeting Minutes

Reflection Lake Board Meeting

April 5, 2022

Board Members in attendance: Charlie Bennett, Sandi Bennett, Jim Boothby, Bill Pease, Joe Dickinson, Jeff Toffer, Joe Kokinda—Gary Long and Robert Syverson not present

  1. Call to order at 6:00—meeting is recorded (audio only, Jim Markley has a camera on a paddle, filming for himself only)
  2. Jeff Toffer motions to accept minutes from previous meeting, Bill Pease seconds and all approve unanimously
  3. Reports of officers:
    1. Report of Vice-President—Joe Kokinda
      1. Joe is reviewing RLCA bylaws and RCW’s in preparation of future bylaw committee
    2. Report of Treasurer—Jim Boothby
      1. Review of expenses—see addendum
      2. Review of proposed budget (not to be voted on until July)—see addendum?
    3. Report of Secretary—Sandi Bennett
      1. Goal is to email a monthly calendars of events at the lake
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
    1. CMD—Dan
      1. Build a platform around the valve at the south dam by donation and volunteer work
      2. Fertilized Bishop’s lot by donation and volunteer work
      3. Looking at renting an aerator for Bings’ and other lots—Rick Hayes maybe?
      4. North dam depression—looks like it is getting bigger and the county has been called
      5. Bald Eagle dock—perhaps pull up on shore in the winter to prevent damage?
      6. Turtle Beach dock—the community would like to have a dock there again
      7. Bing’s Landing and Bishops Park looks good
      8. Big John sprayed the dams for noxious weeds—will also be out later for Sheets Road—Volunteers will weed the beaches
      9. Need to get the sign back up that was knocked down
      10. Barcklay’s gravel has been misplaced by erosion—work with him in conjunction when replacing the sign
      11. Look at possible plants for the water to help clarify—must be separated from carp
      12. Aeration of the lake? Solar power maybe?
      13. Still looking into costs of buying our own porta potty
    2. Community Relations—Diana/Sandi
      1. Welcome three new members—Theresa Bewick, Elizabeth Syverson and Debbie Meyers
      2. Milan-Elk Rd clean-up—April 9, Saturday 10:00, at the Bennett’s
      3. Lake Clean up day May 7, at 9:00—State Farm gave us a grant for $500 for that day and potluck and BBQ afterwards
      4. June 18, 19 Community Yard sale at the Bennett’s or let us know if you are having a separate sale—need volunteers for set up/take down and to help with baking
        1. Tool sale
        2. Bake sale too
      5. Annual Meeting in July—60th anniversary—Jeff motions to have it at Bishop’s Park and Joe Kokinda seconds—all are in favor
          1. Planning on t-shirts, BBQ and potluck, and possibly live music, addendum to history book
          2. Sandi motions that we have the annual meeting on July 30 at 10:00 and Jeff Toffer seconds—all are in favor
      6. Boat sale—presale for residents to give them first dibs on the boats, then sell the rest at yard sale, and if any are left then the rest will be sold at the annual meeting—Joe Kokinda motions we do a presale for boats for the lake residents, Jeff Toffer seconds. All are in favor
          1. Notices will be put on the boats that are to be sold—they are at area 51 at Turtle Beach and three are at Bishop’s Park
      7. Pull weeds at the community beaches if you see them
      8. Newsletter out this week coming up
    3. Roads—Robert Syverson/Casey Lambert—no report
      1. Tool sale at yard sale—proceeds go to roads budget
    4. Firewise—Charlie
      1. See addendum
      2. Fire rating has gone down from a 6 to a 5, so everyone should check with their insurance—could possibly to go down more once the dry hydrant is installed
  5. Unfinished business
    1. Joe Kokinda motions the board votes to approve the temporary dues increase of an additional $75 to cover the legal fees for the fiscal year of 2022. Sandi Bennett seconds and the board approves unanimously.
    2. Reflection Lake website fee—Joe Kokinda motions to pay for one year and Bill Pease seconds. All are in favor
  6. Open Forum
    1. Sandi Bennett made the motion that those voted in as alternates finish the term of the original board member and do not have to run for their seat at the annual meeting (those appointed would have to run)—Joe Dickinson seconded. 5 voted in favor and 2 abstain (Joe Kokinda and Jim Boothby abstain)
    2. Connor Hickman wants to build a dock and needs the information in order to this at his property—Jim Boothby will get with him
    3. Kathy McIntire—question about trees that were cut down by Inland. Charlie will stop by and look at it
  7. Sandi Bennett moves for adjournment at 8:20, Jeff Toffer seconds. All are in favor


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