2022 Spring Newsletter

Spring 2022
As 2022 begins we are looking at our 60th year as RLCA…Here are some highlights from the year 1962
  • The Beatles released “Love Me Do”
  • The Space Needle was completed in Seattle, WA
  • John Glenn became the first man to orbit the Earth and of course…
Reflection Lake became a great place to live in NE Washington State!
In 2022, we have challenges to face.  I would personally like to see Reflection Lake stay as a volunteer community.  In order to do this we need to recruit volunteer board members and be willing to give them our help and encouragement.  This summer, there will be three board positions up for election.  If you would like to run, this is a self-nominating process.  You must be a member of the Association for one year and be a member in good standing (dues current, no liens) to be eligible.  Now, more than ever, it is important to stand up for your volunteer lake. 
Last year, the Commissioner of Public Lands of WA State (Hilary Franz) recognized RLCA as a model community.  We were chosen as one of three communities in the state for our all-volunteer efforts in prevention and spread of wildfires.  The passage of HB1168 (Wildfire Bill) was announced right here on the north dam.  It was covered by local media, NPR, state media, and other newspapers and magazines.  With this recognition came many offers of help from DNR, Washington RC & D, State Farm and others.  With the new Wildfire Bill and infrastructure funding, we have the opportunity to really make a difference and become even a better model for other American communities. I am pleased to have been asked to join the statewide DNR conference in May to speak about the prevention and spread of wildfire within a community environment.
This year the 2021 budget has been a challenge.  The board has had to set priorities to keep the Lake Association solvent.  There are ever increasing costs due to inflation, increased vendor costs  and legal fees to defend the Association.  We are working hard to provide what is needed to have a fun 2022 recreational summer at Reflection Lake.
The Lake Association annual budget has always been under $36,000.  Our Board of Directors are volunteers and depend on members helping to do much of the lake maintenance.  At the 2021 Annual Meeting the Association membership voted to increase the dues by $25 per lot to help meet increasing costs.  Since the Nov. 18, 2018 Civil Suit https://reflectionlake.net/20-11-18-complaint-v-reflection-lake-final/ has named the Lake Association as defendants and requires us to pay attorney fees, or be forced to accept the terms of the lawsuit which would dissolve the RLCA, thus ending our 60 years of self-governance and volunteer community.  Using the provision in our Covenants (Article IV 4.2.2) the Board has been forced to ask the membership for an additional $75.00 per lot this year to defend ourselves and pay for litigation.
If the lawsuit is settled by July 2022, life at Reflection Lake will go back to normal.  When the funds awarded by the court for the frivolous election appeal are paid our budget will be further balanced.  If the lawsuit is not settled, I am committed to run for the board again, but will step aside at the annual meeting if the lawsuits are over.
Franklin Accounting in Deer Park has replaced Watson Management for our collection agent of LAKE DUES.  Please send your annual dues to:         Franklin Accounting
             519 S Fir St
             Deer Park, WA 99006
Jim Boothby, Treasurer
Thank you to Rick and Adam Hayes for your work here at the lake!
Projects that have been completed as of April 11th
  • Fertilized Bishop’s Lot to help make it beautiful for the annual picnic
  • Measurements have been taken to construct the platform around the south dam valve to make it more efficient and safer for the annual valve exercise
  • Big John’s has sprayed weed inhibitor on the dams
  • Weed control by hand on the community beaches
  • Fish have been planted in the lake and the lake is closed for fishing for two weeks
  • County has been asked to look at the depression on the north dam
Project wish list for 2022
  • Complete platform around south valve
  • Complete rock placement on south dam
  • Survey north and south dams
  • Install and safeguard the rules board by the message board on Sheets Rd
  • Replace the Ernie Bleich plaque
  • Replacing the Turtle Beach dock  
Spring is here and the Community Relations committee has already been busy working on spring events.  Our first event was our Milan-Elk Road Clean-up Day on Saturday, April 9th.  It really needed a spring cleaning!  The county supplied the equipment and picked up the collected garbage.  We had a great turnout and thank you to all that participated!
Next, is our National Wildfire Preparedness Day (aka RLCA Clean-up Day) here at Reflection Lake.  It will be Saturday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m.  We have received two grants to help with the day!  Our traditional potluck and BBQ will follow the clean-up.
As you are doing your own spring cleaning, don’t forget to set aside things you would like to donate for our annual community yard sale that will be held June 17, 18, 19th.  The proceeds will go toward Reflection Lake projects.  Last year we earned over $2,000.00!!  A bake sale and tool sale will be included, with the proceeds of the tool sale going to the Roads budget.  We ask, if possible, that you separate your donations into categories (for example, clothing by size/gender, tools, household goods, knick knacks, etc.  We also need volunteers for set up and take down.
Can you believe it has been ten years since the 50th anniversary of our lake?  We will be celebrating our 60th anniversary at our annual meeting on July 30th at Bishop’s Park, starting at 10:00 a.m.  Ten years ago, a committee of lake residents created a 50-year history book of Reflection Lake.  You may read this book on our website at reflectionlake.net. This year, Jerry Parker, with the help of a small committee, is putting together a history of the last decade as an addendum to the original book.  The addendum will be about 30 pages with color photos.  If you would like to share any snapshot of your family, selfies, lake activities, Association events, wildlife, they will work to include it.  Send any photos to Jerry Parker: [email protected].  Use large-picture format for the best quality.  We plan to have the book ready at the annual meeting.  We are also planning a BBQ and potluck, T-shirts, and possibly live music and many other fun activities.  We hope everyone can be there!
It has been a year now since we asked everyone to identify their boats that are kept at community beaches.  Our goal is to clean up those abandoned boats and make our community areas cleaner.  Last fall, most of the unclaimed boats were moved to “Area 51” for UFO’s (Unidentified Floating Objects) at Turtle Beach.  There are also three unclaimed boats that are still at Bishop’s Park.  We plan to sell all abandoned boats at our yard sale in June with the proceeds going to the lake.  RLCA members will be given first chance to buy these boats one day in advance of the yard sale on June 16th.  In advance, all boats that are to be sold will be designated with a sign showing intent of sale.  If you own one of these unclaimed boats, PLEASE put your lot or block number or name on your boat so we know it is not abandoned.
There is a group of volunteers who will be pulling weeds at our community beaches to help minimize the use of herbicides around the lake.  If you are at a beach and see a weed, please lend a hand and just pull it.  Thank you for all you do to keep our community beautiful.
FIREWISE–Charlie Bennett
There has been further clean up on Lot 1–five hazardous trees were removed plus the leftover steel from the demolished home has been cut up and removed.  Thanks to Kerry Wilson and other volunteers that made this happen.
Wildfire Preparedness Day is right around the corner!  Dumpsters will be here for several days and the DNR is paying for them once again. Our goals for our Wildfire Preparedness Day around the lake are:
  • downed trees and debris hauled to dumpsters
  • more clean up on the “lease” lots
  • clean-up and rake community beaches and common areas
Some ideas for Wildfire Preparedness Day at your homes:
  • Start at the top of your house–check vents and make sure they are at maximum 1/4 inch mesh–this is to prevent embers from getting into your attic and starting a house fire.  This is quite common when there are fires in your area.
  • Remove flammable debris from roofs and gutters
  • Rake debris away from at least the first 5 feet surrounding your home
  • Rake debris away from any outbuildings you may have
  • Sweep flammables off your decks and remove debris from below your decks
  • Check around your property for broken branches, leaves and dead limbs
  • Make sure your plants around your home are Firewise recommended. Go to the Firewise website (www.nfpa.org) for ideas.
This all reduces fire risk and spread.  Wildfire does not discriminate or stop at property lines.  We need to work together in order to protect ourselves and our community.
Thanks to all those who have turned in hours both on community projects and home projects that reduce the risk of wildfire.  It all counts toward our yearly grants from DNR and other sources.  Please continue to log your hours and let me know what time you have put in.  They have once again offered funds for our projects which include a fire hydrant/draft site and as many dumpsters as we need for our clean up day, perhaps even a wood chipper and a crew to run it…keep up the good work!
And some good news!  Because of our community’s efforts our fire rating that some insurance companies use to establish insurance rates has gone from a 6 to a 5.  Everyone should call their insurance company and make sure their rates reflect this improvement.  One member has saved almost $300 because of this change.  In addition, once the draft site/fire hydrant is installed this may further save you money, so be sure to let your insurance company know.
If you haven’t already, please contact the DNR for a free home Wildfire Assessment.  And if you don’t already have a reflective address post, please contact Fire District 4 for a free one to be installed (however, donations are accepted).
RWA ELECTION UPDATE–Sandi Bennett (RWA member)
A Special Election of Eastside community members was held in March and the community overwhelmingly voted out the Powers/Weeks board and voted in a new board.  To date, they have yet to turn over the operations of the water system to the new board members, even though at the last RWA meeting, they said they would step down in two weeks (which would have been April 2).  The new board, when they are in control, plans to work with the RLCA and WA State to receive grants and loans to bring the system up to date and capable of providing water to all of its members, present and future.  In addition, once the new board is in its rightful place and common sense prevails, there would be no further necessity of the RWA being a third party member in the lawsuit.  Let’s hope the Weeks/Powers board adheres to the wants of the community and another election lawsuit will not be necessary.
The first meeting of the RLCA “Little Fish Club” will be Friday, May 20th at 4 p.m. at the Community Center.   This is a new club for the kids and grandkids of the lake. For information or input call Elizabeth Syverson at 509-414-3311.  Activities will include movie night, STEM activities, scavenger hunts and many more…
Also, starting in May, a monthly calendar of local lake events will be emailed.  We hope this will keep you informed of lake activities, events, and committee meetings.  Email me if you want to have something added to this calendar.
For any questions, clarification or information, please feel free to contact Sandi Bennett, Secretary at 360-731-0944 or any other board member. We are always happy to help.
If you are interested in running for the RLCA Board of Directors, please contact Lucinda Wiser at [email protected] or by phone (509) 863-3176
In memory of our dear neighbors and friends we have lost this year…we say goodbye to Roger Meyers and Ed Stokes…we will miss you both.  Thank you for your contributions to our community.  Our sympathies and condolences to their families.
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