2022-01 Treasurers Report


RLCA Treasurers Report
January 10,2022
Total Funds on Deposit                         11/10      $69,650               1/10       $43,887
Reserve Account                                                       35,000                                  15,064
22 -23 Budget                                                            31,650                                  28,823
Legal Fund                                                                    3,000                                       0
Total                                                                          $69,650                                $43,887
Funds Available                                                           $863                                        0
Liens/Bad Debt                                                                0                                         0
Dues: Delinquent                                                                                                   3,275
Total                                                                                                                       $3,275
Paid Out:  10/1/21 – 1/10/22
Security                               15.00
Dept. of Ecology           1,208.00
IP&L Co.                               95.18
Stamps                                 57.75
Snow Removal               1,451.00
Legal Fees/Cost           25,209.42
Total                            $28,036.35
  1. Liens: Placed on 1/31/22
  2. Assessments: Calculated at next board meeting
Jim Boothby, Treasurer

Printable Treasurer’s Report of expenditures from October 2021 to present.
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