Reflection Lake Community Association
Elk, WA 99009
Annual meeting minutes: July 24, 2021
Call to order: Lucinda calls meeting to order at 10:05
Thanks to the community for all the volunteerism
Move forward with community volunteerism and positivity
Election of Board of Directors: Jerry Parker
Looks like a record number of ballots turned in and polls are closed
Are there nominations from the floor? No nominations, but a question—are the remaining two going to be alternates—answer, yes they are going to be alternates.
Minutes of the previous annual meeting from 2019: Charlie Bennett
Jeff toffer moves to approve and Jim Boothby seconds—all approve
Budget Approval: Jim Boothby
Sandi Bennett votes to accept budget and Charlie Bennett seconds, all board members approve and one RLCA member say nay.
Capital Projects list—Capital projects are done only as money comes available. They are not currently in the budget.
Eagle beach expansion: passes
Shore up the fish hatchery: passes
Repair Docks (Bishop and Bing): passes
Install skimmer pipe on North Dam: passes
Replace bridge timber: passes
Power and water on access lots (2 lots): passes
Roads committee would like to set up another account for roads account to allow rollovers, donations, fund raisers for roads and future assessments to go into one account for roads only—hands off for anything else.
Dues Increase: Jim Boothby
All facets of budget have gone up so recommend a $25 increase to $200 yearly dues for 2022. Jim Boothby makes a motion, Gary Long seconds—motion passes with all board members, with one RLCA member opposed
Reports of standing committees
CMD: Dan Loos and Gary Long (CMD report) (dams report)
Community Relations: Diana Kenworthy
Roads: Casey Lambert (report)
Firewise: Charlie Bennett (report)
Legal Update: Jeff Toffer
Cautiously optimistic about the mediation on Aug. 26.
Open Forum
Jim Boothby— This current fire situation shows that a dry hydrant is a necessity for this community
Randy Kenworthy—can we fund dumpsters to pick up debris or rent a wood chipper to come out since we aren’t able to burn. Charlie’s response is a wood chipper for the community is really the answer. Dumpsters are not as cost efficient
Dan Loos—hats off to Rick Hayes for all the work he does for the community
Lucinda Wiser—all committee meetings meet on Tuesdays
Charlie Bennett—RWA is having elections in September
Lucinda Wiser– The gates are unlocked at this time due to the fire
Susan Weeks—has extra epi pens, if you need one, please call her
Charlie Bennett—AED is at our house because it needs to be temperature controlled. Also, will schedule a CPR training
Election Results: Lucinda Wiser, Gary Long, Angie Ward and Sandi Bennett with Robert Syverson and Joe Kokinda as alternates
Motion to adjourn—Charlie moves to adjourn, Bill Pease seconds
The new board will convene at 2:00 to decide executive board
Results: Charlie Bennett: President
Angie Ward: Vice-president
Jim Boothby: Treasurer
Sandi Bennett: Secretary
Minutes taken by Sandi Bennett