2021-07-24 Annual Meeting

RLCA members,

Thanks to all who attended, planned, and participated in Saturday’s annual meeting. and thank you to all members past and present who have served our community and volunteered your time and talents to keep our community a safe and affordable place to live!

Much was discussed and voted on, such as our annual budget, CMD committee (conservation,maintenance, and dams) plans and goals, Roads committee, community relations committee, and Firewise.

The picnic was well attended and delicious! Thank you to Angela and Kent Ward, and Sandi Bennett for preparation and all who brought the potluck dishes and helped to set up and take down.

A special thanks to Jerry Parker for a professional and secure election, and to Lucinda Wiser for chairing another great annual meeting.

The new Board and executive positions are as follows;

Charlie Bennett- President
Angela Ward- Vice President
Jim Boothby- Treasurer
Sandi Bennett- Secretary

Gary Long
Bill Pease
Jeff Toffer
Joe Dickinson
Robert Syverson

Prayers to all regarding these fires in our area! Please stay calm, read the “Ready,Set, Go” pamphlet in your Firewise packet and be prepared ahead of time for level two evacuations.


Zoom meeting recording. Passcode: 05X%8.Hx

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