2021-07-06 Board Meeting Minutes

These minutes are posted in DRAFT form. Although they have been reviewed by the President, there may be corrections made at the next meeting before they are approved.


Present: Lucinda Wiser—President, Joe Dickinson—Vice-president, Jim Boothby—Treasurer, Charlie Bennett—Secretary, Gary Long, Sandi Bennett, Bill Pease, Jeff Toffer.

  1. Lucinda Wiser calls the meeting to order at 6:00 and a quorum is present. Message from the president—come together for the good of the lake and treat each other with dignity and respect.
  2. Charlie Bennett: Charlie moves to record the minutes as written and Jim Boothby seconds. All in favor.
  3. Reports of Officers
  1. Jim Boothby-Report of Treasurer–$2080 from the yard sale!
  2. Charlie Bennett: Report of Secretary—Please turn in your committee reports before each board meeting
  1. Reports of Standing Committeees
  1. Dan Loos—Conservation, Mainenance and Dams—see attached report. Process started today for the rock placement to armor the south side of the south dam. Bench still needing to be placed, hopefully on the south dam. See attached report.
  2. Jeff Toffer— the lake water tested exceedingly healthy
  3. Diana Kenworthy—Community Relations—see attached report.
  4. Casey Lambert—Roads Committee
  5. Charlie Bennett—Firewise Committee. See attached report.
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Sign is now next to the stake at Bald Eagle Beach so not a hazard anymore
  2. Annual meeting is July 24th at 10:00 a.m. with picnic/potluck to follow
  3. Legal update—Mediation is going forward
  4. 2nd read on Budget—Please turn in your dues by Aug 1st to avoid late fee. Also, must have dues paid to vote at elections
    1. Charlie Bennett moves to approve next year’s budget and Joe Dickinson seconds. All are in favor of approving budget
  1. New Business—no new business,
  2. Announcements–Jim Markley has some concerns
    1. why do our ballots say proxy ballots? RLCA response: our bylaws allow for proxy ballot, we allow the election committee to run the election and a judge has deemed this legal.
    2. Does not think it’s right that two members of the same household should be on the same board—RLCA response: we have had precedent for this for many years, use your vote. All members in good standing are eligible to run for the board.
    3. Does not think summary judgement applied to the election’s lawsuit—RLCA response: the judge gave his opinion and decision. All lawsuits are on reflectionlake.net and please read them and be educated.
    4. Who owns the water right, he thinks they are owned by the state and given the rights to the users—east side members only. He believes the articles of incorporation are for east side members only. He also feels that the rights are for domestic use only, not irrigation purposes. He also believes west side members should have nothing to do with the water rights—should be only east side only. He also states that each house should only get 893 gallons a day, period. RLCA response: The water association owns the water rights up currently. The RLCA did own them until Sept 29 or 30th of 2020, three days after the election, which is when the RWA transferred the water rights to themselves. RLCA did own them up to that time. The RLCA is to represent the needs of the whole community. The RLCA can have a contract with whomever runs the water, whether it be RWA, Stevens PUD or a third party operator. These issues will not be resolved here and that is why we are in mediation with lawyers.
  1. Meeting to adjourn: Sandi Bennett moved to adjourn and Jeff Toffer seconded. All are in favor to adjourn. Meeting closes at 7:05.

Click here for the Zoom recording of this meeting.

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