

June 1st, 2021 Minutes

Present: Lucinda Wiser, President; Joe Dickinson, Vice-President; Jim Boothby, Treasurer; Charles Bennett, Secretary, Gary Long, Jeff Toffer, Sandi Bennett, Bill Pease.

Meeting called to order at 6:00—Lucinda Wiser, president presided, quorum is present.

Charlie Bennett presents minutes of previous board meeting held on May 4, 2021. Charlie Bennett moves to approve the minutes. Jeff Toffer seconds. The minutes were approved as written.

Reports given: (See Below)

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Jim Boothby: In addition to the Treasurer’s report he mentioned that those that have not paid dues by June 15th are not allowed to fish.
  2. Secretary’s Report: Joe Dickinson makes a motion to adopt the condensed minutes. Bill Pease seconds. Motion is unanimous to adopt condensed minutes with Committee reports.
  3. CMD, Gary Long: 1st priority is dams—reinforce south side of the dam. More people involved this year with the CMD than ever before. New people as well. Dock maintenance needs to be done. And perhaps reinforcing the roof on the fish hatchery as preservation act.
  4. Public Relations Committee, Diana Kenworthy reporting on zoom.
  5. Roads Committee, Casey Lambert and Robert Syverson. Cleaned out the culverts on either end and found the one on the south side of sheets. Thanks to Ben Bersegal for donating drain culvert. Need 2-3 inch rock to create a drain to prevent culvert from filling up from sand. All culverts are taken care of at the moment. Barrier needed to prevent people from driving over the culvert. Fire Department could possibly blow out the culverts. Will be coming around with a pricing for the roads with a survey for the people with the private roads.
  6. Firewise: Charlie Bennett—Turn in all hours applicable for Firewise by November (ie, raking, burning, cleaning gutters, anything that reduces fire risk)
  7. Legal advisory team—Jeff Toffer

New Business:

  1. Jim Boothby: proposed budget for next year—see attached report
  2. Diana Kenworthy proposes that when we replace the Reflection Lake Rules sign a new rule be added- All boats stored at beaches need to be identified. Charlie Bennett seconds. Motion passes unanimously. Let’s also add that information to the welcome packet.
  3. CMD will write a policy about boat storage. Lucinda Wiser motions to remove spike on the Bald Eagle Beach. Joe Dickinson seconds. Motion passes unanimously. Sandi Bennett makes a motion to delineate boat launching and boat parking. Gary Long seconds and motion passes unanimously.
  4. Annual meeting at Bishops park July 24th. Charlie motions and Jeff Toffer seconds. The date for the annual meeting is July 24th. The location still not 100%
  5. Jerry Parker proposes we have an elections policy. The board will review for next meeting.
  6. Flyers at the community center to nominate yourself for next year board members. Please serve as a volunteer for our RLCA Community Board. There is an elections committee consisting of Deniece Brown, Vonnie Hutchison, Angela Ward, and Jerry Parker. Nominations are open until June 23rd. Ballots mailed on June 30 leaving most of July for returning ballots.
  7. Mistake in minutes for October. Gary motions that we follow the rank order of Sept election giving Jim Boothby a two-year term. Jeff Toffer seconds and motion passes unanimously.

Announcements: There are no announcements.

Open Forum:

  1. Move forward and keep the lake moving forward as one community.
  2. Charlie Bennett does not agree with the ad-hoc advisory group. All board members should be involved in all legal discussions.
  3. Charlie Bennett moves to have executive session, Joe Dickinson seconds. None opposed, Jim Boothby, Sandi Bennett and Jeff Toffer abstain from voting. The remaining five vote yes and executive session commences with all community members asked to leave and come back to an open meeting and informed of any decisions made if there were any, if they wish once the executive session is finished.

Executive session ends with no new motions or decisions.

Open session resumes.

Gary Long motions to adjourn since there are no further questions. Sandi Bennett seconds. All unanimous and meeting is adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Zoom recording
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