Monthly Archives: March 2024

2024-03-25 Letter From The RLCA Board

TO: All Reflection Lake Community Members, Well folks, unfortunately, it seems we have a real “Donnybrook” going on at the lake right now, and we, as a majority of the board, feel that the record should be set straight.  As … Continue reading

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2024-03-20 Letter From the President

Dear Members, When the newly elected board members gave me a chance to lead the Board I vowed to be fully transparent and notify members of what had happened at meetings and when we were facing challenges. I did think … Continue reading

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2024-02-22 Mediation Violation Complaint Emails

Jim Boothby to [email protected] Mr. Robert Lee 37621 N. Lakeside Drive Elk, WA. 99009 Reflection Lake Community Association 37708 N. Sheets Road Elk, WA. 99009 March 12, 2024 Dear Mr. Lee, Through email and council, you have made a request … Continue reading

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2023-08-12 Letter From The RLCA President

Good Afternoon, The lake election this past week signals a change in our approach to lake priorities by the board of directors. Those who made it to the August board meeting saw a change of officers, but also heard a … Continue reading

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2023-09-10 Letter From The RLCA President

September 2023 notes from The Board of Directors Meeting The board meeting went well with the emphasis toward lake management. and maintenance. VP Long urged updating our Fire Evacuation plan and posting. Treasurer Parker will be proactive in the collection … Continue reading

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2023-09-26 Letter From The RLCA President

In August 2023 a new RLCA Board was voted in and set a goal to end the past three years of legal stalemate. Here is a brief overview of what has transpired since October of 2020.   Five members from … Continue reading

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2023-10-06 Letter From The RLCA President

Our October board meeting went long (2 hours) with many items on the agenda. Our Bylaws committee will have its first meeting on Saturday 10/21/23 at 2pm at the community center. At this meeting we hope to get through the … Continue reading

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2023-11-13 Letter From The RLCA President

Dear RLCA Members, We had another long two plus hour Board meeting in November, but it was worth it. We are coming together as a community, with more people volunteering to help.  Several things to report from the November 2023 … Continue reading

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2024-02-07 Letter From The RLCA President

Hello Members, We just held our first Board meeting of the year (first Tuesday of each month). All our volunteer committees are forming to make the recreational lake a fun place for you and your family. We keep our dues … Continue reading

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2024-03-06 Letter From The RLCA President

Dear Members,  You missed a ruckus meeting filled with many novel ideas such as making major budget changes without member approval, get rid of me as President, and the East side water system members want to hire a lake managerto operate the … Continue reading

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