2024-08-06 Board Meeting Minutes

8-6-24 RLCA Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Board Directors in attendance:  Jerry Parker, Abram Cosby, Gary Long, Keith Cox, Randy Kenworthy,  Jim Markley, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, and Paul Cramer

* Prior to the regular board meeting, an executive session was held with all nine current board directors to discuss potential executive positions pertinent to the recent election cycle.

  • Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm (audio recorded)

  • Gary speaks about specifics of board nominations and voting procedure.

Randy nominates Abram for president.

Russ Bishop nominates Jim Markley for president.

Abram is elected president by a vote of five to four.

Keith Cox nominates Gary Long for vice president.

Jim Markley nominates Russ Bishop for vice president.

Gary is elected vice president by a vote of five to four.

Abram nominates Jerry Parker for treasurer.

Jerry is elected treasurer unanimously.

Keith Cox nominates Randy Kenworthy for secretary.

Randy agrees to be secretary for the current board meeting.

Discussion about alternatives to minute taking and secretary’s duties.

  • Approval of minutes

Abram motions to approve the minutes as written.  Randy seconds the motion.  Motion is approved.

  • Treasurer’s Report (Jerry Parker)

Written report attached to original minutes

  • Abram motions that “In light of association’s need of a bank card, we resolve that a debit card with a $500 limit be issued for the use of the RLCA Treasurer.”

Paul Cramer seconds the motion. Motion is approved.

Abram names this resolution 24-25/1

  • Committee Reports

  • CMD (Dan Loos)

No meeting last month.

September/October – will need large work party to clean vegetation off of the dams

  • Firewise (Jeff Toffer) Not present

  • Bylaws (Paul Cramer)

Paul is working on integrating WA State laws into our existing bylaws.  It will be 40-50 pages when complete.  Currently 40% finished.

RLCA is in compliance with reserve account at this juncture but that will likely change in 2028.

  • CAC (Diana Kenworthy)

We had a nice social time and potluck at the annual meeting.  Information about committees needs to be updated on the web page.  CAC meets third Tuesday of each month.

  • Security (Gary Long)

Dan Loos reported a large stringer of trout left unattended on South Dam.

  • Roads (Keith Cox)

Full report attached to original minutes.  Keith presents “Road Maintenance Assessment Exemption Form.”  Jim motions to adopt this form.  Terry seconds the motion.  Motion passes with one abstention.  Culverts need to be unplugged on Lake Road.

  • Open Forum

Abram sets parameters for open forum dialogue.

Dan Freas feels he should not have been assessed for road maintenance.

Dan Loos says all board directors should be on a committee and asks about Power’s court judgment.  Gary responds that our attorney is still looking into it.

Jim Markley brings up the possibility of a settlement with Mr. Lee.  Abram responds that at this time we are waiting for a judgment on our motion to dismiss.

Keith asks for a garbage can to be placed at Bald Eagle Beach because of garbage and fishing gear being left laying around. He offers to collect and dispose of the garbage.

Gary motions to adjourn the meeting. Keith seconds the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.

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