2024-06-04 Board Meeting Minutes

6-4-24 Regular RLCA Board Meeting Minutes

Board Directors in attendance: Gary Long (President), Jerry Parker (Treasurer), Randy Kenworthy (Secretary), and Russ Bishop

Newly Appointed Board Directors: Paul Cramer, Keith Cox, Abram Cosby

While waiting for the other two current board directors to arrive, everyone realized that they were not coming, so there was not a quorum to officially start a meeting.  It appeared that important business would not get accomplished. It was then suggested that the present board directors and the community members discuss issues and share ideas, so the evening would not be totally wasted.

  • Early disagreements about a video camera initiated by a community member became heated and lasted over fifteen minutes.

  • Additional discourse, both positive and negative concerning a wide range of community issues began. During the discussion, Jerry Parker and others left the building.

  • Jerry returned at 6:45 with the idea of appointing new directors to fill the empty positions on the board, referring to bylaw 5.5 with discussion to be sure there was no bylaw violation.

  • There was a motion by Randy that the RLCA comply with bylaw 5.5 to fill three board vacancies with Keith Cox, Abram Cosby, and Paul Cramer, with an alternate being Donna Mack until the election in July.

Gary Long seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.

  • President Gary Long called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm.  He thanked all attending, board directors and community members alike, for their patience and support.

  • Approval of minutes

Abram motioned to approve the minutes as written. Randy seconded. There were six votes to approve, one new director abstained, and one community member objected.

  • Treasurer’s Report (Jerry Parker) attached to original minutes

  • Jerry motioned to correct Washington Trust Money Market Account and remove Jim Boothby, Jeff Toffer, and Joe Dickinson as signers and replace them with Jerry, Randy, and Gary. Seconded by Gary.  Motion passed unanimously.

  • Jerry motioned to comply with Covenant 4.6 and start the fiscal year on June 1st and terminate on May 31st. Seconded by Russ.  Motion passed unanimously.  (Further discussion recorded on audio)

  •  Jerry talked about compliance to the mediation agreement, specifically, A-1 and Covenant 4.2.3.  Thirty minutes of discussion ensued which included the road budget controversy and decisions were left under advisement.

  • Abram motioned that the RLCA complies with A-1 of the Mediated Agreement and Covenant 4.2.3 and establish a private roads maintenance fee among those lots fronting private roads, including those lots owned by the RLCA, for 2024-2025 with the amount to be recommended to the RLCA Board by the Roads Committee. Seconded by Paul Cramer.  Passed unanimously at 8:15 pm.

  • There was more discussion on the RLCA budget.  (See RLCA Treasurer’s report and RLCA Board worksheet –  attached to original minutes)

  • CMD Report (Dan Loos and Gary Long)

Dan Loos reported that the water samples tested within the normal range.  He plans to do more deep water testing of the water quality.

The perch die-off was a natural occurrence and the trout are healthy.  The removal of fifty grass carp is underway.  We will reinstitute plant pens.  Sand and gravel have been delivered for dam support.

Gary mentioned the benchmarks on the dam after the dam survey.

Ecology is not requiring us to drain the lake, just to exercise the valve once a year.  There is vegetation on both dams that needs to be removed.

  • Firewise (Jeff Toffer)

Jeff advised residents to remove dry pine needles from rooftops.  Jeff was asked by the CAC chair to get firewise information for members.

  • Bylaws Committee (Dan Freas) Dan had left and was unavailable.

  • Community Action Committee (Diana Kenworthy) Report attached to original minutes

  • Election Committee (Diana Kenworthy) Report attached to original minutes

  • Security Committee (Gary Long)

 Gary emphasized that Reflection Lake is a private lake, but some poaching and illegal camping are taking place in our community.

  • Jerry brought up Bylaw 5.6 which is the Code of Conduct Policy.

  • Jerry motioned that the board comply with C-1 of the Mediated Settlement Agreement by adopting this Director’s Code of Conduct. Randy seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

  • A community member spoke up about the removal of board directors for unacceptable conduct and referred to Washington State Law 64.38.25.  Other community members joined the conversation.

  • Gary spoke about the legal issues facing the community.  The Powers’ appeal money is still not located!  Gary announced the hiring of Attorney Paul Stewart to replace Tyler Lloyd.  The court hearing for the current lawsuit has been moved to June 28th.

  • Open Forum

A community member asked about the potential of continued lawsuits from the plaintiff.  Joe Kokinda (current president of the RWA) stated that the third party complaint was dismissed in 2022 and that the Water Association never signed the Mediation Agreement.  There was some confusion as to who is responsible for the third party water operator contract delay. Gary stated that he has had a conversation with Reuel and was told that Reuel was waiting for the RWA to give him a contract to sign.  Joe Kokinda said he was waiting for Reuel to come and sign the contract.  Joe said he would follow up with Reuel to get a contract signed.  Reuel has been paid continuously for over a year without a contract.  This was followed up by a discussion about the connection between the RWA and the RLCA.

  • Meeting was adjourned at 9:23 pm

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