2024-05-07 Board Meeting Minutes

These minutes are posted in DRAFT form. Although they have been reviewed by the President, there may be corrections made at the next meeting before they are approved.

5-7-2024 Regular RLCA Board Meeting Minutes

Board Directors attending: Gary Long (President), Jerry Parker (Treasurer), Randy Kenworthy (Secretary), Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Joe Kokinda, and Sandi Bennett

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.  

Camera noticed by community member and after complaints from audience it was promised by Joe Kokinda that he would shut it off. 

  • Guest speaker Dustin Hinson, fisheries biologist expert (notes attached to original minutes)

  • Gary Long presents the agenda (attached to original minutes)

  • Discussion to fill board positions

– Motion by Joe Kokinda to appoint alternate; motion fails

– Motion by Jerry Parker to appoint Gary Long as president;

         motion seconded and passed five to two

– Lengthy discussion about interpretation of bylaws relating to board positions and appropriate behavior of board members

– Motion to appoint Randy Kenworthy as interim secretary;

motion passed unanimously

  • Approval of minutes

– Motion by Russ Bishop to approve the minutes; 

motion seconded and passed five to two

  • Treasurer’s Report (Jerry Parker)

– Motion by Jerry to replace Jim Boothby and Dinece Browne with Russ Bishop and Randy Kenworthy as signers on Washington Trust Bank account; motion passed unanimously

– Discussion about setting dues at annual meeting, advisory vote, IRS filings, and bylaws interpretations

Treasurer’s report and Budget worksheet attached to original minutes

  • Paul Cramer pledged donation of $500 toward water quality

  • CMD Committee Report  (Jeff Toffer)

– Water samples being analyzed

– Lake temporarily closed to fishing

– Discussion of potential catch and release to further monitor fish health

– Draft site for dry hydrant installation on north dam stalled

– Dan Loos has contacted firm to replace valve on south dam

– Gary Long to participate in five year dam inspection

– Recommendation to remove fifty grass carp from lake and monitor

– Board agreed unanimously to remove carp

  • Firewise Committee (Jeff Toffer)

– Dumpsters to be picked up

  • Bylaws Committee (Terry Zoesch)

         – Nothing to report

  • Community Action Committee (Diana Kenworthy)

Report attached to original minutes

  •  Election Committee (Diana Kenworthy)

Report attached to original minutes

  • Security (Gary Long)

         – Gary asked for help with security

  • Roads Committee (Keith Cox) 

         – Roads are still deteriorating

         – Keith is seeking volunteers to be on committee

  • Presentation by Jerry Parker about implementation and compliance of Mediation Agreement 

– Six of the twelve items have been completed

– Two are at impasse

– Motion by Jerry that the RLCA open a separate road maintenance bank account at Washington Trust called “Roads Maintenance Fund” with signers on the account being Jerry Parker, Russ Bishop, and Randy Kenworthy

– Motion seconded and passed unanimously 

– More discussion about Mediation Agreement compliance

– Jerry motioned that we place A-1 and A-2 of the Mediation Agreement into a policy and implement them as policy until the association updates the bylaws

Motion seconded and passed unanimously

– Much heated discussion and arguments between some board directors

– Due to arguments throughout the meeting, some community members left early, and one community member, visibly upset, voiced disapproval of some board directors’ behavior  

– Sandi Bennett indicated that the mediation agreement doesn’t matter because of a deal between Joe Kokinda and Rob Lee.

  • President Long was forced to adjourn the meeting due to escalating tempers and arguments.

         – Alternate approached some board members with disparaging 


  • Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm

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