Hello Members,
We just held our first Board meeting of the year (first Tuesday of each month).
All our volunteer committees are forming to make the recreational lake a fun
place for you and your family.
We keep our dues low through the help of caring volunteers and all funds go
to lake operation, maintenance and fish! If you can help and would like to
join a committee, please send an email or call me directly 509/292-8581.
The Firewise committee is gearing up to install our long awaited in-lake
Fire Hydrant. We have pursued this Hydrant for the best part of 25 years.
In the past 40 years there has been 4 full house fires at the lake, it is horrifying
when the fire fighters have to leave a fill their tanks 40 minutes from here.
The benefits are safety and a lower fire insurance rate. If anyone is in opposition
or have a concern, please contact the association as soon as possible.
Over the holidays we were contacted by the Washington Secretary of States’ office
and told the Water Association Merger was granted. This was a Hugh surprise to
the Board and most residents. At our November meeting the motion was passed
to allow the members 30 days to read and comment on the Merger prior to Board
approval for submission. 7 of 9 board members signed affidavits stating they had no
knowledge of the submission, 1 board member stated in writing he had no part in
the Merger that was sent, the remaining board member has not made a definitive
comment. The current leadership of the now Water Committee denied involvement
or an act of treacherous behavior at the meeting. The allegation will be easy to
confirm, and the Board is investigating.
The reason the Merger had any importance was that west side residence did not
want any liability for the water system, now we are liable (Merger Article VI). We
as a community will adjust to having a Water Committee with oversite and we have
laid the foundation for a well operated Water System, with a few modifications.
The Bylaws committee is in need of people to help bring our Bylaws current with lot
owner protections. If you can help in this administrative venture, please contact us.
Our next meeting is at 6pm, March 5th in the community center, come join us. If
you are retired, bored, want to share your skills or looking for hobby come join us.
Jim Boothby
RLCA President
2024-02-07 Letter From The RLCA President