2023-10-06 Letter From The RLCA President

Our October board meeting went long (2 hours) with many items on the agenda.

  • Our Bylaws committee will have its first meeting on Saturday 10/21/23 at 2pm at the community center. At this meeting we hope to get through the first Three pages of the Bylaws. All members are invited to join, please read your bylaws in advance.
  • Our expectations of the 2020 election lawsuit being decided this month has been dashed. The suit is backlogged and may take six more months for the appeal from the appointed board to be ruled on. Read suit online: reflectionlake.net.
  • The October 2023 newsletter will be mailed out later this month.
  • This month The RLCA and RWA boards will gather and try to iron out differences we have in the Merger Documents as presented.
  • At next November’s meeting the board will put together an email policy. Member input is welcome. The goal is civility while not allowing emails to prompt a decision without proper vetting or discussion.
  • November 7th, at 6pm in the Community Center will be the last board meeting of the 2023 year. December and January are normal holiday months (if needed the board can hold a special meeting). If you have an emergency, please contact a board member or me.

Eastside members really need someone to step up and join the Roads Committee. I was the Roads Committee Chair for 5 years. I was informed the Mediation agreement of 2021 does not allow people from the westside of the lake to be members of the Roads Committee.

The RLCA and RWA both reported positive financial positions and a positive attitude to address the problems at hand. A handful of people (6) still believe legal intimidation is the way to get what they want. If anyone sues, you will be notified immediately who, why, when, what propose and what they are trying to accomplish. I am told if you sue an association, you must have legal standing which is 5% of the membership lots, 9 members for RLCA and 4 members for RWA, their names must appear on the lawsuit.

Jim Boothby

RLCA President

2023-10-06 Letter From The RLCA President
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