2023-10-03 Board Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2023

Meeting called to order at 6pm. No objections to the meeting being recorded.

Board members present: Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jerry Parker, Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Randy Kenworthy, Dinece Browne

Roberts Rules of Order applies to this meeting.

Jim Boothby asked for a Motion to approve the September 5th Board meeting minutes. Motion to approve was made by Terry Zoesch, seconded by Randy Kenworthy. Jim Boothby, Gary Long, Jerry Parker, Russ Bishop, Terry Zoesch, Randy Kenworthy, Dinece Browne voted to approve. Joe Kokinda, Sandi Bennett voted no due to bias minutes by secretary. Jim Boothby told Sandi Bennett to bring this bias up in the new business part of the meeting.

President Report

1. Starting Bylaws committee on October 21st at 2pm Community Center. Complete March 2023.
2. Have a meeting with RWA to iron out the Merger Documents.
3. 2020 Appeal lawsuit is possible to be reviewed in December 2023 and may take up to six months for a ruling.
4. Working on a general email policy from board. Looking for input in how the best way to send out to community. Feedback is welcomed from the Board and Community. In November we are going to go over the policy at the November meeting. We will send them out before we approve the policy.

Vice President Gary Long with CMD and Security Reports
1. AED written on the website we have at the community center.
2. Currently at the Bennett’s house and website needs to be changed.
3. Have a list of people with Skills and add to the website.
4. Process for complaints need to come in writing on a form.
5. Jeff Toffer gave information on the dry hydrate. Many county departments must be involved in the process. We have a shoreline impact survey that needs to be completed. See statement below.
6. DNR Land use check for $8500, use for positive projects.
7. Add Firewise to the agenda.
8. Fishing is open again. Be alert for poachers. Will look into a fishing policy for next year.

Treasurer Jerry Parker see report at reflectionlake.net.
1. Cash on hand $32960.00
2. Checking $5800 money market $27000 Billing: Inland Power Gravis Legal Rick Hayes Sanitation toilets and CMD were paid out.
3. Go fund me for Fish and donations for a check totaling $3000 to $129 trout farm done by donations. Did not impact lake budget thirty-seven delinquent notices and we had twenty owners pay and four partials.
4. $14000 outstanding making progress.
5. The square plan costs us a fee. Looking into Washington Mutual bank paying with credit cards/debit.

Secretary Dinece Browne
1. Not being biased by Board meeting minutes.
2. Working on Newsletter. Please send an email by October 12th from the board and committee chairs.
3. Working with Jerry Parker to help collect lake dues.
4. Sending out guest cards by mail and dropping them off.

CMD Gary Long reported.
1. Fish in the lake 600 hundred.
2. Painted the community Center.
3. The possibility of a new floor in the center in the future.
4. Elk-Milan Road cleanup was a success.
5. Bishop Park doors were rebuilt looks great.
6. Randy, Gary, and Rick Smith cleared out lakeside road of noxious weeds.
7. Bings landing was weeded. A Boat on beach is full of water and a battery.
8. Inland power with an electrical line down to the lake for possible aerator.
9. Surveys of the Dams we have $7000 in budget.
10. Fence on Lot 1.
11. Plants in the lake.
12. Trimming Pine tree on the South of Frontage.
13. Lot one received gravel and leveled out.
14. Firewise is getting missed and needs to be included with CMD and added to board meeting agenda.
15. Jeff is continuing to work on the dry hydrant.


Jeff Toffer stated: There is a lot of work to do this. Several forms must be filled out. Many County organizations need to be involved. Shoreline impact form needs to be completed. Trying not to spend any money on this and it may be costly. Cory Smith said we need to have the shoreline impact survey. to see if check with DNR and if they will help fund. We have nine agencies that need to be contacted. Very expensive.

Community Action Committee Angela Ward
1. Talked about our new name. Came up with CAC.
2. Recognition to our community members.
3. Keeping communications open to inform the community.
4. Getting the welcome packet together.
5. Getting calendar together for the new year.
6. Thank you to the Bennett’s doing the fall road clean.
7. Halloween Festival on October 14th 4:30
8. Caroling in December

RWA report Wayne Moore
1. The generator is going in this month.
2. SCADA system automatic warning system will be available soon to Eastside.
3. Waiting to hear about the Merger.
4. Making sure there is a point of contact for water members.

Need a Roads Committee Chair
1. Due to mediated agreement, it must be someone from the eastside.
2. Without a chair from the eastside the potholes will remain.

Bylaws Committee to Meet October 21st at 2pm
1. Going through bylaws line by line
2. When finished the membership will vote on new bylaws.

1. Set a date with RWA RLCA to meet regarding the merger. Documents will be discussed and edited at this meeting. Date to follow.
2. Email Policy to be written and membership would like to have input.
3. October Newsletter deadline by October 12th.
4. The inventory list still needs update. Items, lock codes, and Keys.

1. Board meeting minutes are biased stated by Sandi Bennett.
2. Motion was made by Russ Bishop; I make a motion to do away with the merger and do a simple contract with RWA and RLCA. Seconded by Jerry Parker.

Discussion was made about the motion and Jim Boothby objected to the motion and proposed to have questions brought up at the RWA and RLCA meeting. The motion will stay until the next board meeting and voted on. A clean and concise package needs to be put together for membership.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 pm. by Sandi Bennett seconded by Joe Kokinda

Meeting Minutes prepared by Dinece Browne



President’s meeting summary:

Our October board meeting went long (2 hours) with many items on the agenda.

  • Our Bylaws committee will have its first meeting on Saturday 10/21/23 at 2pm at the community center. At this meeting we hope to get through the first Three pages of the Bylaws. All members are invited to join, please read your bylaws in advance.
  • Our expectations of the 2020 election lawsuit being decided this month has been dashed. The suit is backlogged and may take six more months for the appeal from the appointed board to be ruled on. Read suit online: reflectionlake.net.
  • The October 2023 newsletter will be mailed out later this month.
  • This month The RLCA and RWA boards will gather and try to iron out differences we have in the Merger Documents as presented.
  • At next November’s meeting the board will put together an email policy. Member input is welcome. The goal is civility while not allowing emails to prompt a decision without proper vetting or discussion.
  • November 7th, at 6pm in the Community Center will be the last board meeting of the 2023 year. December and January are normal holiday months (if needed the board can hold a special meeting). If you have an emergency, please contact a board member or me.

Eastside members really need someone to step up and join the Roads Committee. I was the Roads Committee Chair for 5 years. I was informed the Mediation agreement of 2021 does not allow people from the westside of the lake to be members of the Roads Committee.

The RLCA and RWA both reported positive financial positions and a positive attitude to address the problems at hand. A handful of people (6) still believe legal intimidation is the way to get what they want. If anyone sues, you will be notified immediately who, why, when, what propose and what they are trying to accomplish. I am told if you sue an association, you must have legal standing which is 5% of the membership lots, 9 members for RLCA and 4 members for RWA, their names must appear on the lawsuit.

Jim Boothby

RLCA President

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